Page 21 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 21
13. your name as a superhero: ………………………………………………………………....
14. your mission on this planet: …………………………………………….........……...........
15. write down your creed: …………………………………………….…..………...................
i6. who will you defend? ……………………………………………………...............................
17. who/what are your enemies/forces of evil? ……………….……...............................
18. your special powers: ………………………………………............………..
19. your special weapons and protection: ……………….........…….…
20. your support and back up: …………………….........................
Illustrations differ from artworks as they communicate a definite
message. Everyone looking at them must get the same
information from the image. You now are to design what you will
look like as the Superhero. You are required to visually
communicate all the information that you have written down in
your personal file. Your Superhero must be based on your
personal identity – who you are and what you look like.
This project is to be completed on the front cover of
your workbook. You are to use the technique and
style of cartooning – this does not mean it has to be
humorous. You must outline your images and include
tonal variations to show form. You must show
movement and direction somewhere in your work.
Your design must be in full colour. It must have a
suitable background showing the context and lots
of detail. You may use any suitable media including
watercolour and poster paint, markers or coloured
pencils. You are expected to experiment with mixing
your own colours- you may only use the primary,
white and black to mix the colours you need if you are
painting, otherwise layer your colours. This will
encourage you to try out various combinations of
colours. You are also expected to use a variety of
painting techniques.
Refer to the rubric on the back of your front cover for
the assessment criteria. Once you have successfully
completed your illustration assess yourself – fill in the
rubric; allocate yourself a mark that you feel your
work is worth. Be honest with yourself – you might be
asked to justify the mark you have awarded yourself.
Artifact Publications and Training 2015 15