Page 23 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 23
Create in 2D: Observe and interpret an illustration
As part of this task, you are challenged to improve your skills in the following areas:
1) Explore a variety of different painting techniques and add any of these into your final illustration.
2) Develop your colour mixing skills. Thousands of colours can be mixed by adding different
combinations and ratios of the primary colours together or with the neutrals.
3) Improve your brush manipulation skills. This describes how well you can control your brush as
you paint. In the beginning, you might find it difficult and will wobble, shake and go out of the
lines. As you practise, you will begin to get more control over your hand movements.
So Superhero... Let’s see those skills! Complete the following experiments in the blocks below:
Wax resist – Draw some basic lines and shapes first with wax crayon, pushing down quite hard. Do
not colour in with the crayon; just add in different types of line. Then with thin paint (a wash), paint
over your drawing using different colours. The paint will “crawl” off where you have drawn the wax
Blending- start with one colour. Paint small dabs of colour on the paper with your brush. On your
palette, start mixing tiny amounts of a new colour into the existing colour. Each time you add some
colour paint a little more- working in one direction. Make sure that there are no sudden changes in
colour by painting over your paint with a dry brush to spread and blend the colour. This technique
does take some time to master so don’t get frustrated and give up!
Straw-blowing- Mix a lot of water with the paint or use ink. Drip an amount into the middle of the
paper. Use a straw to blow the paint in different directions. The runners must either link up with each
other or reach the edge of the page.
Now let’s see how many different colours you can mix...paint each white shape a different colour
leaving a tiny white border between the colour and the runner. Show a wide range of colours.
Complete the next two pages of brush manipulation exercises. The challenge is NOT to go out the
lines. Remember the closer you hold the brush to the tip, the more control you have over the
movements. Another trick is to use a smaller brush- this will help you to brush the control better and
not go beyond the lines.
Artifact Publications and Training 2015 17