Page 28 - Nourish and Revive e-magazine
P. 28

About Our Services Testing Protocols

                                       Is it possible to restore your health?

  What could be more natural?  What could be more correct?  Each

  cell, tissue, and organ in your body is in the process of replacing it-

  self every day, month, and year.

  The health of each organ is dependent on making the correct nutri-

  ents available to you for the health of your body.

  Your body’s ability to build and heal itself is amazing and Nourish

  and Revive wants to help you with a personalized program that

  offers proper guidance and resources to allow the body to self-


  When your body trusts that you will be feeding it and taking care of

  it, it will trust that you will keep doing the same.

  When your body has reached the point of trust, then it will let go of

  toxins, heal deep wounds and allow health to return and stay.

  Nourish and Revive creates a personalized plan for you that in-

  cludes proper nutrition, healthy eating and lifestyle recommenda-

  tions, along with stress management and relaxation techniques.

  But in the end you are the one responsible for your own health


  In our experience, if our analysis indicates that you are not a quali-

  fied nutritional case, then while a nutritional program may give you

  some benefit, it may not give you the maximum results you desire.

   If this is the case, then we will offer recommendations for health

  professionals that may be a better fit for you.
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