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4                                                                                                                                January 2018

                                                                    Serving Northwest Washington

                                           Protect your Family with new FREE 10-year smoke alarms!

                                            • Smoke alarms and fire escape plans save lives.
                                            • If your smoke detectors are over 10 years old, they need to be replaced.  COLLEEN’S

                                           If you don’t have working alarms and an escape plan, we can help. The American    FESTIVE
                                               Red Cross will provide and install smoke alarms in your home for FREE!
                                                           We can help you be prepared.                             FETA CHEESE

                                                               To take advantage of this offer:
                                             Call (360) 733-3290 ext. 0 or visit                        BALLS

                                                                                                                    Terrific Easy Appetizers!
                                                                                                                        (yields about 16-24 balls)
       Combine & Save.                                      SENIOR THRIFT                                         Gently mix the following ingredients:

                                                                    STORE HOURS                                         ¼ cup dried cranberries
                                                      Mon – Sat: 10am – 5pm • Sun: 11am – 5pm                              2 oz. feta cheese
                                                            5518 Woodard Ave, Freeland, WA 98249                        2 TBSP Ranch dressing

      I can help you save time & money.                   360-331-5701                                               ½ TBSP dried ranch dressing
      One  agent  for  all  your  insurance needs
      saves  time.  And  Allstate’s multi-policy                                                                     2 TBSP chopped green onion
      discounts  are  an  easy  way  to  save        Accepting donations from opening until 4 PM                     8 oz. softened cream cheese
      money. For affordable  protection for your   NO DONATIONS ACCEPTED ON WEDNESDAYS IN JANUARY
      home, car, boat and more, call me first.
                                                                                                                    Roll mixture into 1- 2 inch balls.
              MATTHEW IVERSON                            Happy New Year                                                 Then, chop 1 cup nuts
              360-675-5978                                                                                          (your choice of walnuts, pecans,
              466 NE Midway Blvd,
              Oak Harbor, WA 98277                                                                                     or almonds). Roll cheese
                 from everyone at Senior Thrift!
                                                                                                                   balls in chopped nuts. Spike each
                                                      Call or visit the store to see daily specials.                    with a straight pretzel
     Insurance and discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability.  Allstate Property and Casualty
     Insurance Co., Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co., Allstate Indemnity Co., Allstate Insurance Co.,
     2775 Sanders Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062 Northbrook, IL. © 2016 Allstate Insurance Co.                             stick for easy pickup. Enjoy!

                                                                                          Check out our new & improved website!
        The Home You Want

               the Care You Deserve

                  At Maple Ridge, our philosophy is to offer
                     exceptional care while providing choice,

                            independence, fun and laughter.

                                        We offer a full range of
                                            services designed to                      

                                         support your lifestyle.
                                                                                390 NE Midway Blvd #B203, Oak Harbor • 360-682-2341
                                          Visit today and discover
                                        Retirement Perfected .

                  1767 Alliance Avenue

                  Freeland, WA 98249
              (360) 331-1303


                        Assisted Living

                        © 2017 All rights reserved, Bonaventure Senior Living.

           Island Senior Resources, (360) 321-1600, (360) 678-3373 •
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