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Volume 1 • Issue 9
Come to the OHSC When Opportunity
to pickup a puzzle for
National Puzzle Day!
Knocks–Will You Answer?
By Christina Baldwin
Board Member, Island Senior Resources
“Knock, knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Baby who?”
“Baby New Year!”
Yup, it’s that time again. The holidays are
over, and the images of Father Time trad-
ing places with Baby New Year are flitting
across television screens and newspaper
ads for end of the year/New Year sales.
Welcome to 2018! There are many things we are culturally than to “Baby New Year,” as long as we
programmed to consider as the calendar
are creative and engaged, opportunities
The Bizarre and Unique changes. Folks make resolutions and can continue to enrich our lives. In the
set intentions, go on a diet, or a vaca-
spirit of Janus (looking back and looking
tion. The New Year can also be a time of
Holidays of January regrets about what we did or did not do, forward) here are some suggestions for
beginning the year.
or opportunities we missed in the twelve
Step 1:
months passed. That’s why the Greek
By Barry Wenaas that it is a perfect day for the Festival— god Janus (for which this month is obvi- What was on your list last year that
you want to roll over into this year? No
Program Assistant, Oak Harbor Senior Center the Holidays are over, WOW! Weren’t they ously named) had two faces: one looking regrets, just recommit.
Welcome to 2018—Let’s start the year exhausting! back and one looking forward. Last year our neighbor wanted to submit
with Bizarre and Unique Holidays for the Then on January 4th we have National In 2018, the theme for these articles is a quilt he’d done to Island County Fair.
month of January. When looking up the Spaghetti Day. Grab a bowl, fill with spa- OPPORTUNITY. Cambridge Dictionary Life intervened with health issues and
Holidays for January, I found at least one ghetti, top with a generous helping of defines opportunity as: an occasion or family commitments and he didn’t get it
per day and some had 2-4 events per situation which makes it possible to do done in time. This year, he’s continuing to
day—all 30 days. your favorite sauce, add meatballs and something that you want to do or have to
parmesan cheese and dig in. Did you do, or the possibility of doing something. sew. “Sew now, then when the summer
January 1st you have National Hangover know that American’s consume about 20 What that means, I think, is opportunity comes, I’m done!” he says. “I’ve got some
Day, whether you drink or not, just look quiet time in the winter and I’m going
at it as a hangover from 2016! January pounds of pasta per person per year? notices the choices in front us, and step- to finish it early, hang it on the wall and
1st is also better known as New Year’s Now for all you Ladies—we have Male ping into what we want in the way of enjoy it myself for a while.”
Day, but on Jan 3rd, there is Festival of saying “yes.”
Sleep Day. It is the opportunity to sleep Even though some of us may relate more
in, doze, nap and catch 40 winks. It is felt JANUARY continued on page 12 to the image of “Father/Mother Time,” NEW YEAR continued on page 3
Linda Osier, 69 Leanne Hoover, 88 Mary Jo Morris, 74 Jack Mathisen, 57 Jean Mathisen, 70
Oak Harbor Langley Oak Harbor Coupeville Freeland
"My resolution is to not make "To help everyone I can "To get back into my physical "I'm going to exercise more. "To competently assist
New Year's Resolutions." and spread joy." fitness routine." I do a lot of walking." Oak Harbor residents with
Medicare issues as a SHIBA
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