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10                                                                                                                               January 2018

                                         ENVIRONMENTAL AND

                                         EMOTIONAL WELLNESS

                                         Continuing our journey through

                                         the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

                                         By Liz Lange, Administrator, City of Oak Harbor Senior Services

                                         In the last three editions of Island Times   on what you find. This is especially   PHYSICAL — Recognizing the need
                                                                                                                 for physical activity, healthy foods,
                                                                             meaningful for many who are on fixed
                                         we discussed the idea of holistic well-
           W.I.G.S.                      ness through attending to the 8 dimen-  incomes.                        and sleep
                                         sions of wellness in our individual lives.
                                                                                                                 Physical wellness is affected by physical
           (Whidbey Island               We have focused on the need of intel-  OCCUPATIONAL — Personal satisfac-  activity, healthy nutrition, and adequate
                                                                             tion and enrichment from one’s work
                                         lectual wellness, recognizing your talents
       Genealogical Searchers)           and seeking ways to use your knowledge   Occupational wellness is a sense of   sleep. There are many examples of physi-
                                                                                                                 cal activity that range in levels of inten-
          Tuesday, January 9, 1pm,       and skill as well as social and spiritual   satisfaction with your choice of work or   sity from light to vigorous. Maintaining
                                         wellness which includes connecting with
      2720 Heller Road, Fire Station #25  your community and own cultural back-  volunteer oppurtunities. Occupational   your physical health can include yoga,
                                                                             wellness involves balancing work and
                                                                                                                 bike riding, jumping rope, engaging in
          Laura Sparr will speak about    ground as well as expanding your sense   leisure time, building relationships with   sports, running, walking, jogging, skiing,
         finding Ship Passenger Lists for    of purpose and meaning in life. We also   coworkers, and managing workplace   dancing, tennis, and gardening. This is
           your genealogical research.   covered environmental and emotional   stress. Finding work, whether paid or   an easy one! Come into the Oak Harbor
         All are welcome to attend.      wellness, the ability to cope effectively   volunteer, that fits with your values,   Senior Center to start your physical activ-
                                         with life and have good health by occu-
        For more information contact     pying pleasant environments.  So, how   interests, and skills can help maintain   ity plan with one of our many and varied
          Margie Kott, 360-675-3146      are you doing on those five so far? What   occupational wellness.       classes.
                                         changes have you made in your daily
                                         routines to incorporate strengthening
                                         your intellectual, social, spiritual, envi-
      Oak Harbor                         ronmental and emotional wellness?
      Senior Center                      As you continually focus on those
                                         aspects, let’s round it all off with the
      51 SE Jerome St.,                  remaining three. Financial, occupational
      Oak Harbor, WA 98277               and physical wellness are essential to our
      Front Desk: 360-279-4580           holistic view of wellness.

      Travel Desk: 360-279-4587          FINANCIAL — Satisfaction with cur-
      Normal Business Hours:             rent and future financial situations
      Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm         Financial wellness is a feeling of sat-
                                         isfaction about your financial situa-
      Additional evening and             tion. Finances are a common stressor
      weekend classes and events         for people, so being able to mini-
      as scheduled                       mize worry about this aspect of your
      Yearly Membership Dues: $40        life can enhance your overall wellness.
      Available for anyone 50+ years     Options for managing financial wellness
                                         include having a household budget,
      Liz Lange                          starting a savings account and adding
      (360) 279-4583                     to it every month even if it is just a small
      Senior Services Administrator      amount, saving some of your income in
                                         an emergency account, cutting back or
      Barry Wenaas                       limiting unnecessary expenses, avoiding   Annual membership with the Oak Harbor Senior Center is available
      (360) 279-4582                     credit card debt, donating to a mean-    for anyone 50+ years of age and is $40 a year. The dues benefit
      Program Assistant                  ingful charity, shopping at thrift stores,   members and provide financial help to the Center. Membership
              Send comments              utilizing the library for free books and   includes discount prices on travel, classes and facility rentals.
            and suggestions to           DVDs, and cooking your own meals             For more information, or to sign up for membership,
           instead of dining out. Try tracking your   come by the center at 51 SE Jerome Street in Oak Harbor.
                                         spending for a month to see where your
                                         money is going and set goals based

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