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January 2018 11
Community Programs on Aging – covers programs in Fiscal Year (FY) 2013. Under
supportive services such as case man- provisions of the Bipartisan Budget Act
agement, senior center services, in-home of 2013, FY 2014 and 2015 funding was
services, transportation, and information restored to pre-sequestration levels for
and referral. Also included under Title III nutrition programs, but other programs
are nutrition programs, such as meals- received less money than they did in FY
on-wheels and senior center group 2012. President Obama’s FY 2017 budget
meals; family caregiver support; and proposes an increase of $28.4 million
health promotion and disease preven- for the OAA, including $10 million for
tion services. Funds for Title III programs Older Americans Act Title III B Support-
are distributed based on a state’s pro- ive Services and $14.4 million for Title
portionate share of either the age 60 or III Nutrition programs. Other programs
older population or, in the case of care- are flat funded, with requested amounts
giver support programs, the age 70 or remaining the same as the programs
What is the Older Americans Act? older population. Each state then has its received for FY 2016 due to the 2015
own formula for allocating OAA funding
Bipartisan Budget Agreement.
As older Americans, it might be good services network that provides essential to area agencies on aging which enables The cumulative impact of decades of
for us to understand this act. The Older home and community-based supportive the delivery of services to local areas. inadequate funding, a rapidly grow-
Americans Act (OAA) funds critical ser- services. AoA is now part of the Admin- Title IV of the OAA provides support for ing older population and unbalanced
vices that keep older adults healthy and istration for Community Living (ACL) training, research and demonstration attempts at deficit reduction could
independent—services like meals, job within the Department of Health and projects while Title V authorizes the threaten the very sustainability of OAA
training, senior centers, caregiver sup- Human Services (DHHS). OAA funding is Senior Community Service Employment programs, as well as the health, dignity,
port, transportation, health promotion, distributed to 56 state agencies, over 200 Program (SCSEP). This program, which is and independence of older Americans.
benefits enrollment, and more. tribal organizations, two native Hawaiian managed by the Department of Labor, The Leadership Council of Aging Orga-
organizations, more than 600 area agen-
From then to now cies on aging and 20,000 local service provides support for part-time employ- nizations (a coalition of 72 non-profit
ment for individuals 55 and over who are
organizations serving seniors, including
In 1965, Congress enacted the Older providers. While the program is open to low-income, unemployed and have poor the National Committee) determined
Americans Act, which established the older individuals, generally defined as employment potential. Title VI covers that in order for OAA funding to simply
U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) and 60 and older, it focuses on offering assis- Grants for Services for Native Americans catch up with the growth in the senior
state agencies on aging to address the tance to persons with the greatest social and provides funding to tribal organiza- population, its appropriation would have
social services needs of older people. or economic need, such as low-income tions, Native Alaskan organizations and to be increased by at least 12 percent
The Act is considered the major vehicle or older adults living in rural areas. Most nonprofits representing Native Hawai- each year for several years.
for promoting the delivery of social ser- services do not require means testing ians.
vices to the aging population. Its mission or copayments, but donations may be Your voice counts, let it be heard! Let
is broad: to help older people maintain requested and some newer programs Finally, Title VII provides support for your congress members know that you
maximum independence in their homes may have cost sharing on a sliding scale. programs to ensure protection of the use and rely on programs funded by
and communities and to promote a Unfortunately, years of limited funding rights of older adults, including the OAA, and encourage them to support
continuum of care for the vulnerable have restricted access to OAA services, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program legislation to increase the appropriation.
elderly. In successive amendments, Con- resulting in waiting lists for many of and elder abuse prevention services. The
gress authorized targeted programs to these essential programs. The benefits Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is Send our congress members a note and
respond to specific needs of the older of OAA programs are not just for older required to investigate and resolve com- let them know you support these impor-
population. adults. They also support families by plaints made by or on behalf of nursing tant issues:
offering services to caregivers, and they facility residents or other institutional-
Nearly five years after it expired, legisla- provide jobs in the health and long-term ized populations. Title VII funds are allo- SENATOR PATTY MURRAY
tion to reauthorize the Act was passed care sectors in local communities around cated based on the state’s proportion of 154 Russell Senate Office Building
by Congress with unanimous, bipartisan the country. residents age 60 and older. Washington, D.C. 20510
support. The bill was signed into law by SENATOR MARIA CANTWELL
the President on April 19, 2016. What are the Benefits? OAA Funding 511 Hart Senate Office Building
The OAA authorizes a range of services The Older Americans Act has a broad
Who Benefits from the Older Americans Act? and supports that help older Americans and critical mission. However, it is Washington, DC 20510
The intent of the OAA is to promote remain as independent and produc- plagued with modest resources to sup- REPRESENTATIVE RICK LARSEN
the dignity of older adults by providing tive as possible in their own homes port the service continuum. Over the 2113 Rayburn House Office Building
services and supports that enable them and communities. The OAA consists of past 20 years, the OAA has lost ground Washington, DC 20515
to remain independent and engaged seven titles. Titles I and II declare the due to our rapidly-increasing frail, older
citizens within their communities. The Act’s objectives and establish the AoA, population, and federal funding that has
original OAA established the Adminis- the federal coordinating agency for OAA not kept pace with either inflation or NICELY DONE HOME & PET SERVICES
tration on Aging (AoA) and the aging services. Title III – Grants for States and growth in the older population. Eligible
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