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12                                                                                                                               January 2018

                                                                             JANUARY continued from page 1       On January 23rd you can take the day to
                                                                                                                 measure your feet—why? It’s best not
                                                                             Watchers Day—always on January 8th.   to speculate. Thank goodness Congress
                                                                             You have the opportunity to go out and   did not spend the time to declare this a
                                                                             watch the guys. After all, they have their   “National” day.
                                                                             fun watching the ladies. Popular places
                                                                             include: watching them work, especially   Do you remember how much fun you
                                                                             labor jobs when short shirts cover flow-  had popping the bubble wrap? Well, you
                                                                             ing muscles; on the beach – too bad this   can always do this the last day of Janu-
                                                                             day is in January; at the mall—it’s time   ary—it’s Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.
                                                                             to get even. This is where more than one   As you know, it not only protects things
                                                                             guy has been known to visit for the sole   for shipping, but it releases stress. Just
                                                                             purpose of watching the ladies-this may   squeeze the bubble and feel the stress
                                                                             just be your favorite guy watching loca-  disappear.
                                                                             tion.                               One of our best day is always on January
                                                                             Okay, did you also know there is a Pecu-  27th. That is Chocolate Cake Day. Only
                                                                             liar People Day? Well this is a day to   Chocolate cake will do, not yellow or
                                                                             honor uniquely different people-unor-  white or a combination—it must be ALL
                                                                             dinary, extraordinary, unusual, strange,   chocolate. There are three objectives of
                                                                             odd, uncommon, intriguing, different,   chocolate cake day 1) to bake a choco-
                                                                             abnormal, and quirky—most of these   late cake; 2) decorate a chocolate cake 3)
                                                                             characteristics can be viewed as good, or   eat chocolate cake. If you are too busy to
                                                                             not so good. January 10th is the day and   do the first two, at least eat a chocolate
                                                                             we encourage you to look for the good   cake.
                                                                             in your peculiar acquaintances.     We have a couple more days to celebrate
                                                                             On the third Monday in January we   and this Fun at Work Day on January
                                                                             celebrate Martin Luther King Day. He   28th and one always needs to have a
                                                                             became one of the youngest person to   National Puzzle Day on January 29th.
                                                                             win the Nobel Peace Prize at age 35. His   Now when you visit the Oak Harbor
                                                                             birthday became a National Holiday by   Senior Center, the next celebration can
                                                                             an Act of Congress in 1983.         happen every day, but National Puzzle
                                                                             Did you know there is a day to ditch   Day is always celebrated on the 29th.
                                                                             your New Year’s Resolutions? Well, guess   There always is a puzzle ready to be
                                                                             what, it’s the middle of January, the 17th   worked at the Center. Puzzles are a favor-
                                                                             to be exact. If you haven’t broken them   ite pastime of millions of people young
                                                                             by that date you are doing better than   and old. Come by and see us at the
                                                                             most of us. For many people, New Year’s   Center and enjoy a puzzle or a laugh.
                                                                             Resolutions are hanging heavily over   Hope you have enjoyed some of the
                                                                             our heads. They become a burden, and   zany and bizarre National Days in Janu-
                                                                             maybe not such a good idea after all—  ary. Always know that something is hap-
                                                                             this is your chance to “ditch” them.  pening every day.

        Compare Our CD Rates                                                            At the Oak Harbor Senior Center

          Bank-issued, FDIC-insured
         1-year              18-month              2-year                         GUITAR LESSONS                        TECH HELP!
        1.75          APY* 1.85             APY* 2.0               %            Resume Fri, January 5                Sun, February 26

         Minimum deposit $1000  Minimum deposit $1000  Minimum deposit $1000 APY*                                         2-4:30 PM
         * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) eective 12/8/2017. CDs oered by Edward Jones are bankissued and FDIC-insured up to   AARP DRIVING   Bring your smart phone, tablet or
         $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account   laptop, the tech savvy Future Busi-
         ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability
         and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease.   COURSE   ness Leaders of America group from
         If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early
         withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not   Oak Harbor High School will be here
         allow interest to compound. CDs oered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by
         Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).         Wed, January 24               to help you get programs set up and
         Call or visit your local fi nancial advisor today.                                                         answer your questions about using
                                                                                      8:30-4:30 PM                  your devices. If you have a smart
                                                                                    Register by calling AARP or    phone or tablet and you just don’t
        COUPEVILLE                       OAK HARBOR                                    online at        know what to do with it, this is for you!
                                                                                                                  Want to set up, or learn how to better
        Chris Renfro                     Gene Kelly Barner                                                         use your Facebook account? Want
                                                                                                                  to check your email on your device?
        107 S Main Street                144 N E Ernst St Suite C                        DIGITAL                  Want to just know how to send a text
        Suite A101a                      360-675-8239                               DOWNLOADS:                    or picture message? Come with your
        360-678-6580                                                                                              questions. After a short presentation
                                         Eric L Schelling
                                         630 Southeast Midway Blvd               RBdigital, Freegal,                 there will be one on one help.
        FREELAND                         360-679-2558                                 and Hoopla

        Melissa S Cates, AAMS®           Gregory A Smith,                                                                 FREE TAX
        1688 Main St Suite 100           AAMS®                                  Wed, January 17 & 31
        360-331-4450                                                                                                  PREPERATION
                                         275 SE Cabot Dr A7                                10 AM
        Kristi K Price                   360-679-2304                             Learn how to access free movies,   February 2 – April 6
        1688 Main St Suite 100                                                     music, and magazines on your
        360-331-4450                                                            computer or mobile device. Find out   By Appointment
                                                                                  how to stream movies, download   Call the Oak Harbor Senior Center at
        Kevin B Lungren                                                          music legally, and more! This class   360-279-4580 to make an appoint-
        1592 Main Street                          provides an overview of these exciting   ment. Appointments available starting
        360-341-4556                            Member SIPC                     services and the information needed          in January.
                                                                                to start enjoying them on your own.
                                                                                Bring your library card and device for
                                                                                 hands-on help after the overview.

           Island Senior Resources, (360) 321-1600, (360) 678-3373 •
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