Page 5 - whidbey TV remote user guide 2018 _Neat
P. 5

Setting your devices

             Setup Method A

               1  Press and hold SETUP   2  Press the mode key for   3  Find your device and   4  Release the key when
                 until the LED blinks   device you wish to setup.   brand (from the charts   your device turns off.
                 twice using your Remote   The mode key stays lit.  below) and note the   Setup for that device is
                 Control.                                       number key assigned to   complete.
                                                                your brand. Press and
                                               DVD                                     2 BLINKS = SUCCESS
                      SETUP               TV        AUX         hold the number key    1 LONG BLINK = FAILURE
                                                                for your device/brand.
                                                                    1  2   3
                                                                    4  5   6
                                                                    7  8   9

             Setup Method B

               1  Press the mode key for   2  Press and hold SETUP   3  Enter the 1st code for   4  Press POWER key to test
                 device you wish to setup.   until the LED blinks    your brand from the   with your device. If the
                                        twice.                  code list. (See below for   device turns off, setup
                                                                codes.)                is complete.
                   TV        AUX             SETUP                  1  2   3
                                                                                    5  If device does not
                                                                    4  5   6           turn off, repeat SETUP
                                                                                       METHOD B using the
                                                                    7  8   9           next code for your
                                                                       0               brand.

             Setup Method C
               1  Press and hold SETUP   2  Press the mode key for   3  Press and hold the OK   4  Release the OK key when
                 until the LED blinks    device you wish to setup.   key.              your device turns off.
                 twice.                 The mode key stays lit.

                      SETUP               TV        AUX               OK

              #  TV            #  DVD/VCR        #  Audio
              1  Insignia/Dynex  1  LG           1  Bose
              2  LG            2  Memorex        2  Denon
              3  Mitsubishi    3  Panasonic      3  LG
              4  Panasonic     4   Philips/Magnavox  4  Onkyo
              5   Philips/Magnavox  5  RCA       5  Panasonic
              6  Sumsung       6  Sumsung        6  Phillips
              7  Sharp         7  Sharp          7  Pioneer
              8  Sony          8  Sony           8  Samsung
              9  Toshiba       9  Sylvania       9  Sony
              0  Vizio         0  Toshiba        0  Yamaha    NOTE: these Setup Methods are from the instructions included with
                                                              your Remote Control.

                                                                                              WhidbeyTV User Guide   3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10