Page 21 - Quell-user_manual_update_321
P. 21

< Contents  |  APPENDIX A: Indicator Lights

            APPENDIX A
            Indicator Lights

            Device on Skin

             Device State            Indicator Light Status                Explanation

             Standby                 No lights illuminated                 Device in standby, no therapy or
                                                                           calibration in progress
             Calibration             Waterfall White (lights running back   Calibration in progress
                                     and forth)
             Therapy                 Single Blinking White Light           Therapy session in progress
                                     Lights running one direction or the other  Intensity increase or decrease as a result
                                                                           of button press or adjustment via app.
             Stimulation halted      Orange light blinks for 2 minutes     Therapy or Calibration has halted due
             earlier than expected                                         to an error condition; see Appendix B for
                                                                           possible causes.

            Device off Skin

             Device State            Indicator Light Status                Explanation
             Battery Check           Single blink of 1 white light         Adequate charge for one therapy session
                                     Single blink of 2, 3, or 4 white lights  The number of illuminated white lights
                                                                           correspond to the level of battery
                                                                           charge. The higher the number, the closer
                                                                           it is to being fully charged.
                                     Single blink of 5 white lights        Fully Charged Battery
                                     Single blink of orange light          Battery needs to be charged.
             Therapy Dose            1 white light or 5 lights illuminate while   With a 10 second press off-skin, 5
                                     button is held                        white lights indicate Regular therapy
                                                                           dose is selected (60 min on, 60 min off,
                                                                           automatically). 1 white light indicates
                                                                           Manual dosage; 60 min on and then user
                                                                           has to restart. Regular is the default

            Quell  User Manual    Quell Customer Care 1-800-204-6577 or +1-781-890-9989
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