Page 21 - pace maker 359371-001_LATITUDE_Patient_Manual e-magazine
P. 21
Patient Collecting Heart Sending Doctor
Icon Waves Button Waves Icon English
Sensor LATITUDE Call Doctor
Reading Icon Indicator Icon
1. Patient Icon: Stay close to the Communicator when lit
any color.
2. Collecting Waves:
Green = successfully collecting data.
Yellow = error collecting data.
3. Heart Button: Press when flashing or press to send data.
4. Sending Waves:
Green = successfully sending data.
Yellow = error sending data.
5. Doctor Icon: Data successfully sent when lit blue.
6. Sensor Reading Icon: Sensor reading received when lit.
7. LATITUDE Indicator:
Green = Communicator is active and ready to use.
Yellow = Flashes yellow during start-up process or a
software upgrade.
8. Call Doctor Icon: Call your doctor when lit any color.
Figure 2. Indicators
For more information about indicators, see “Indicator
Descriptions” on page 39.
LATITUDE Communicator Patient Manual 17