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          Council News

           Building Bridges

           with a Patient & Family Advisory Council

           “A medical center can serve an entire
           region… a healthcare system can
           blanket many states. But a community
           hospital needs to remain firmly
           anchored to its roots – the people it
                     ~ Becker’s Hospital Review

           WhidbeyHealth’s Patient & Family
           Advisory Council (PFAC) knows that
           hospital and healthcare visits, even
           for routine testing, can be physically
           and emotionally draining. The PFAC
           is dedicated to creating a better   Members of the Patient and Family Advisory Council include from left, Wendy Gilbert,
           community healthcare system by    Linda Boatman, Robert Higbee, Renee Le Verrier, Marge Moore, Jill Usher, Nancy Hepp
           providing feedback and addressing any   and Renee’s service dog, Junior. Not pictured are council members Kimberly Ruck and
           concerns from the patient perspective.   Jaemee Witmer.
           PFAC serves as the voice of patients
           and families. With our wide range of
           life experiences, backgrounds and   n  Attending Board of Commissioners meetings
           ages, we are able to provide immediate   n  Acting as patient advocates for the hospital and clinics
           and well-rounded recommendations
           to staff. Some of our recent activities   n  Forwarding individual patient concerns to hospital staff for resolution
           include:                          Though the Council has been active since 2015, few in the community are aware
            n  Providing input and feedback on   of what we do. We are consciously working to improve our visibility both in the
               the patient portal re-design  hospital and in the community.
            n  Reviewing staff request for   We are currently recruiting additional
               mobile-device chargers in the   members so that we can be the voice for
               Emergency Department          all patients of WhidbeyHealth, maintain
            n  Serving on several standing   active participation on important    To Learn More
               committees, including the Nurse   projects and be more responsive to    Patient & Family
               Practice Council, Rural Health   requests for feedback from staff.     Advisory Council
               Committee, Quality Improvement   Please consider joining our group if
               Committee and Access to Care   you are interested in improving patient
               Work Group                    experiences.                            Click the blue PFAC link.
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