Page 4 - Island Times April 2018
P. 4

4                                       Oak HarbOr           SeniOr Center                                                          April 2018

     April Showers Bring May Flowers

     Barry Wenaas, Program Assistant, Oak Harbor Senior Center   encourage health living.
     As the saying goes, in the Pacific North-  Another world day is World Art Day.  This
     west, showers bring the beauty of many   is celebrated on April 15th.  This day is
     spring flowers.  The daffodils, tulips,   set aside for the celebration of the fine
     camellias, lilac’s and English daisy’s.  April   arts.  We have a wonderful program here
     also brings on the month long celebra-  at the Center on Monday afternoon—Art
     tion of the Tulip Festival in the Skagit   with Dottie.  We have some of the most
     Valley.                             talented and awesome artists—present-
     We also have Happy Easter Sunday    ing many mediums. If you would like
     which is April 1st and also April Fool’s   to dabble in the arts, please come and
     Day.  WOW! What a busy Sunday.      visit the group on Mondays at 1:00pm.
                                         This special day was created in 2011 at
     The word “Easter” comes from the Saxon   the General Assembly of the Interna-
     pagan festival, honoring the goddess   tional Association of Art in Guadalajara,
     “Eastre” (also called Oestre).  The god-  Mexico.  The date was selected as it the   A group of Oak Harbor Senior Center volunteers smile for the camera
     dess Eastre’s symbol is the rabbit.  Did
     you know approximately 1.5 billion   birthday of Leonardo DaVinci.
     “Peeps” were sold for Easter.  Easter is   Did you all know that there is a day set   One of our favorite candies are the Jelly   Sylvia Edwards works on her painting
     also celebrated with the Easter Bunny,   aside for NO HOUSEWORK? It is on April   Beans, so we can officially celebrate Jelly   during our Monday Art Class
     colored eggs, jelly beans and lots of   7th, but I think there should be more   Bean Day on April 22.  Jelly Beans date
     chocolate. There is also a famous Easter   designated days than just that one.    back to at least the 1860’s.  Advertise-
     game called the Easter Egg Hunt.  The   There are two ways you can celebrate   ments promoted Jelly Beans to Union
     Easter Egg Hunt was the first game ever   this day: If you normally do the house-  troops fighting in the Civil War.
     invented.  They think the reason this   work, cease and desist for this day or   Now let’s celebrate World Penguin Day
     tradition started was because the Easter   if you are a spouse of significant other,   which always occurs on April 25th. World
     Bunny dropped the eggs on the way to   have them do the housework and see   Penguin Day coincides with the annual
     deliver them and they hide themselves.    what is entailed and hopefully they will   Northward migration of penguins.
     Setting the date for Easter changes every   offer to do it more often.  Penguins do not fly, rather they walk or
     year.  It is the first Sunday after the full   On April 9th, President John F. Kennedy   waddle their way to and from.  Penguins
     moon following the spring equinox.    proclaimed Winston Churchill Day, thus   are found in Antarctica, South Africa,
     Here is an Easter thought to ponder:  The   proclaiming him an honorary citizen.  A   Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, the
     nice thing about being senile is you can   law must be drafted and voted upon by   Falkland Islands and the Galapagos
     hide your own Easter Eggs.                                              Island.  Also, many are found in zoos.
                                         the U.S. Senate.
     On April 7th we have World Health Day.   And for all you golfers, even though you   Living in the Pacific Northwest, we are
     It is sponsored by the United Nations   think everyday is YOUR day, on April 10th   very aware of the Richter Scale due to   One of the most important days—espe-
     World Health Organization (WHO).  It   it is official.  Golfers Day is to be thankful   all the faults in our State and the rest of   cially here at the Oak Harbor Senior
     focuses on a different health theme   that someone invented this addicting,   the Northwest.  On April 26th it is Rich-  Center is Volunteer Recognition Day
     each year.  It is an international event   yet relaxing hobby.  Just remember that   ter Scale Day.  Always be prepared.  It is   which occurs on April 20th.  Volunteers
     to emphasize and work on important   even a bad day at golf is better than a   stated that one of the strongest earth-  dedicate themselves to causes and help-
     health issues around the world.  Major                                  quakes recorded is Aug 24, 70 when   ing others.  They make big and small dif-
     activities focus on awareness, education   good day at work.            Mount Vesuvius, Italy buried Pompeii   ferences in the lives of millions of people
     programs and fund raising activities.  At   How about a “Walk on the Wild Day”.  It   and Herculaneum.      all over the world.  They assist people,
     the Oak Harbor Senior Center we focus   is your chance to do something that the                             animals and Nature.  Most volunteers do
     on heath activities with our  Enhanced   normal and usual “you” would not do.    A better time to celebrate April 26th is   not ask for recognition—they just want
     fitness program, Yoga, Tai Chi and S.A.I.L.   Just kick off your shoes and do it . . .just   National Pretzel Day. It is said that Pret-  to help and “give back” where they can.
     Everyday we have some activity to   go wild on April 12th.              zels date back to 610AD in the South
                                                                             of France.  Monks baked thin strips of   Volunteer activities are energizing and
                                                                             dough into the shape of a child’s arms   rewarding and lots of fun and camarade-
               W.I.G.S.                                                      folded in prayer.  There are so many   Harbor Senior Center and see what vol-
                                                                                                                 rie.  Try it and you will see! Call the Oak
                                                                             shapes of pretzels and textures of pret-
                                                                                                                 unteer opportunities we have to offer.
               (Whidbey Island                                               zels; soft, crispy, crunchy, long, short,   Have a GREAT MONTH
                                                                             stuffed etc.
           Genealogical Searchers)

               Tuesday, April 10, 1pm,                                          DRIVE SAFE DRIVE SMART
          2720 Heller Road, Fire Station #25                                                Take the new AARP smart driver course
      Leland K. Meitzler, manager of Family Roots Publish-
        ing Co., will talk about electronic record keeping.                         Wednesday, May 2 • 8:30 am – 4 pm
        All are welcome to attend. Contact Ruth                                              Oak Harbor Senior Center, 55 SE Jerome St
        Hancock at (360) 675-4086 for more info.                             •  Refresh your driving skills; understand   •  This class may save you money on
                                                                               the new rules of the road.          your car insurance.
                                                                             •  Learn driving strategies to help you   •  There are no tests to pass.
                                                                               stay safe behind the wheel.
                                                                                                                 •  Lunch not included.
                                                                                 Cost: $15 AARP members, $20 for non-AARP members. Registration required.
                                                                                                    Call (360) 279-4580 to register.

        •Independent                                                         Puget Sound Energy –
                                                                             Electrical Safety Presentation
        •Assisted Living

        •Memory Care                                                         Puget Sound Energy Outreach Manager
                                                                             Walt Blackford will give an informational
                                                                             presentation on electrical safety on April
          1040 SW Kimball Drive                                              11, 2018 from 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM at the
                Oak Harbor                                                   Oak Harbor Senior Center. Additionally,
               360-279-0933                                                  he will bring a high voltage demo table                                                for hands on demonstrations. This is a
                                                                             FREE event and all ages are welcome! No
                                                                             registration required.

                                       Oak Harbor Senior Center, 360-279-4580
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