Page 7 - Island Times April 2018
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April 2018                                                                                                                                  7



          AND LUNCH AT 13 COINS                                                                    ISLAND SENIOR RESOURCES
             Thursday, June 28                                                      For more information, call 360-321-1600 or 360-678-3373
         Depart: 8 AM – Return: 5:30 PM                                               ISR provides transportation to/from Bayview Hall/Clinton ferry
        Member: $58 • Non-Member: $70        PHANTOM OF THE OPERA                             Pricing does not include walk-on ferry ticket
                                                 Thursday, August 9
     Take a humorous stroll through store-                                     FAIRHAVEN – DIRTY DAN HARRIS          MUSICAL IN THE FOREST
     fronts and sidewalks entombed under     Depart: 9:30 AM – Return: 6 PM       DAYS & CHUCKANUT DRIVE                  Monday, May 28
     Seattle when the city rebuilt on top of   Member: $100 • Non-Member: $130
     itself after the Great Fire of 1889! This 75   Cameron Mackintosh’s spectacular new   Sunday, April 22           Leave Bayview Hall: 8:50 AM
     minute tour begins in Doc Maynard’s   production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s      Leave Bayview Hall: 6:50 AM         Leave Mukilteo: 10 AM
     Public House, then spills into historic   The Phantom of the Opera will return   Leave Mukilteo: 8 AM         Return to Mukilteo: Approx. 7:30 PM
     Pioneer Square, Settle’s Birthplace, before   to Seattle as part of a brand new North   Return to Mukilteo: Approx. 5 PM   Members: $80 • Non-members: $85
     plunging underground for an exclusive   American Tour. Critics are raving that this   Member: $60 • Non-Member: $65  Register by Monday, May 21
     view of the buried city. The tour guides   breathtaking production is “bigger and   Register by Friday, April 13  Join us on a trip to the Kitsap Forest
     tell you interesting, funny stories about   better than ever before”. We will stop for a                    Theater to see The Mountaineers Players
     our pioneers. It’s history with punch lines!   no-host lunch before the show.  Come check out this unique Fairhaven   put on the timeless Broadway musical,
     After our tour, we will be driven to the                                  event, the Annual Dirty Dan Harris Festi-  Peter Pan! Featuring iconic songs, “I’m
     new famous 13 Coins Restaurant (open       MYSTERY LUNCHES                val! Celebrate the “unscrubbed” founder   Flying,” “I’ve Gotta Crow,” “I Won’t Grow
     24 hours daily) in Pioneer Square. The       Tuesday, April 24            of Fairhaven including live music, uphill   Up” and “Never Never Land,” Peter Pan is
     original 13 Coins was built in 1967 in So.   Wednesday, May 9             piano race, fish tossing, chili cook-  the perfect show for the child in all of us
     Lake Union with a 2nd opening in 1976        Thursday, June 7             off ($6 fee, paid at event), and more.   who dreamed of soaring high and never
     near SEATAC airport. We will have a reser-  Depart: 10:30 AM – Return: 2:30 PM   After the festival, we’ll hop back in the   growing up. There will be a 10-minute
     vation, but lunch is on your own.      Member: $20 • Non-Member: $30      van and head to stunning Chuckanut
                                                                               Drive. There will be stops for views and   walk down the winding forest trail to
     NOTE: The underground part of this tour   Price includes transportation only  photos along the way. Bring money for   the secluded forest theater. Bring a sack
     has uneven walking surfaces, stairs, and                                  shopping and food. Wear comfortable,   lunch or buy classic concession stand
     minimal lighting. For your safety, please   EXTENDED TRAVEL               weather appropriate clothing, and walk-  food on site. Don’t forget your camera,
     wear covered toe shoes. Also a 21% tip      OPPORTUNITIES                 ing shoes, this historic town does have   weather appropriate clothing, and com-
     will be added to your bill at 13 Coins                                    uneven surfaces as well as stairs.  fortable walking shoes. Fee includes
     because of a private area for our group   CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS                                            transportation and admission.
     and a menu featuring 6 different lunch                                                                      DIABLO LAKE AFTERNOON CRUISE
     items.                                 July 8, 2018: 7 Days Featuring
                                              Boston, Martha’s Vineyard,                                                   Friday, June 29
             SEATTLE CHOICE                    Nantucket and Newport                                                  Leave Bayview Hall: 8:20 AM
              Thursday, July 12
                                             Double: $2,350 • Single: $3,075                                           Leave Mukilteo: 9:30 AM
         Depart: 8 AM – Return: 5:30 PM    Includes round-trip air from Seattle,                                   Return to Mukilteo approx. 6:30 PM
        Member: $40 • Non-Member: $55      lodging, hotel transfers and 9 meals.                                   Members: $87 • Non-members: $92
     Our semi-annual Seattle trip is a fun one   Sign up available now!          SEATTLE CHERRY BLOSSOM &             Register by Friday, June 22
     in summer!  We will drop off at Westlake                                                                    Join us for a boat tour of glacier fed
     Center and Pike Place Market for all shop-  This incredible tour program features a   JAPANESE CULTURAL FESTIVAL   Diablo Lake in the heart of the North
     pers with one pick-up point at Pike Place   7 day/6 night itinerary flying round-trip   Friday, April 20    Cascades National Park. Learn about
     Market. Walk the waterfront, visit the   from Seattle to Boston including transfers   Leave Bayview Hall: 8:50 AM   wildlife habitat and enjoy views of
     Aquarium, ride the ferris wheel, buy a   from Oak Harbor, unpacking once and     Leave Mukilteo: 10 AM      snow-clad mountain peaks, islands and
     sandwich at Beecher’s Handmade Cheese   staying for 6 nights in beautiful Cape Cod.   Return to Mukilteo: approx. 3:30 PM   waterfalls. Experience parts of the lake
     shop and enjoy a picnic in the park!  Bring   Our hotel located conveniently in Mid   Member: $50 • Non-Member: $55  hidden from view from roads or trails.
     your grandchildren for a fun day!   What-  Cape, provides the perfect location for   Register by Thursday, April 12  Your tour will come alive with stories
     ever you do, enjoy the sights and sounds   a week’s stay on Massachusetts famed                             about the early explorers and settlers in
     of this exciting city!              Cape Cod, allowing you to leisurely   Experience the cultural roots and con-  the area and the challenges of building
                                         explore the Cape and experience the best
           unWINEd ON THE BAY            it has to offer.                      temporary influences of Japan through   the three Skagit River Hydroelectric Proj-
                                                                               live performances, visual arts, hands-on
              Thursday, July 26                                                activities, food, games, Taiko drum-  ect dams and powerhouses. We’ll also
                                                 SPAIN’S’ CLASSIC                                                see the panoramic view at the Diablo
              4:45 PM – 9:30 PM                  October 11-22, 2018           ming, and artisan demonstrations. The
        Member: $68 • Non-member: $80                                          Seattle Center has hosted this cultural   Lake overlook. We’ll stop for coffee and
                                              Double: $4049 • Single: $4649    immersion for 40 years in appreciation   treats in Darrington on the way up, and
     Come take a wine cruise that will feature   Includes air and ground transportation   of 1,000 cherry trees gifted to Seattle   Cascadian Farms on the way back down.
      15-20 different wineries complimented   from Oak Harbor, lodging, and 14 meals                             Bring your camera as well as cash, sack
     by appetizers. Price includes transporta-                                 by Prime Minister Takeo Miki on behalf   lunch, weather appropriate clothing, and
     tion, cruise, wine tastings, and appetizers.   11 days featuring Madrid, Seville, Valencia,   of the Japanese government in com-  comfortable walking shoes. Fee includes
                                         and Barcelona.                        memoration of our nation’s bicentennial.   guide, transportation, and admission to
                                                Sign up available now!         Bring money for food and purchases.   tour.
                                                                               Wear comfortable, weather appropriate
                                                                               clothing, and walking shoes. Please note:
                                                                               this trip includes uneven flooring and
                                                                               uneven terrain in some places.

                                                                                                     CASINO TRIPS IN 2018

                                                                                    All casino trips depart/return from Bayview Community Hall Parking lot.
                                                                                                    Depart 9 AM • Return 4:30 PM
                                                                                                   Member: $35 • Non-member: $45
                                                                               ANGEL OF THE WINDS .......................................................................................................... April 10
                                                                               SKAGIT VALLEY .................................................................................................................................May 8
                                                                               SWINOMISH .....................................................................................................................................June 12
                                                                               TULALIP RESORT...........................................................................................................................July 10
                                                                               ANGEL OF THE WINDS .....................................................................................................August 14
                                                                               QUIL CEDA CREEK .......................................................................................................September 11
                                                                               SKAGIT VALLEY .......................................................................................................................October 9
                                                                               SWINOMISH ......................................................................................................................November 13
                                                                               TULALIP RESORT...........................................................................................................December 11

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