Page 10 - Island Times April 2018
P. 10

10                                                                                                                                  April 2018

     From the Executive Director of ISR                                                                               HOW TO REACH

     By Cheryn Weiser, Executive Director, Island Senior Resources  we talked about proposed federal cuts to programs impacting   ISLAND SENIOR
     Perched on a little hill near Freeland, spring is always a time   seniors such as:
     when I enjoy a view of billowing, and sometimes threatening,   •  support of low-income housing,                    RESOURCES
     clouds offset by splendid periods of sunshine and warmth.  I   •  SHIBA (the State Health Insurance Benefits Advisers Pro-  For all departments and all
     think the bookends of spring weather offer a bit of a metaphor   gram),
     for life at Island Senior Resources this spring.                                                                  staff call 360-321-1600
                                                           •  educational programs in support of caregivers and those     or 360-678-3373
     Each day as I sit in my office at the Senior Resource Center in   trying to be more adept at managing chronic disease, and
     Bayview, I am aware of a growing number of younger seniors                                                      Nutrition/Meals on Wheels
     (Baby Boomers) finding their way to us to learn about resources   •  nutrition programs like Meals on Wheels.    Aging & Disability Resources
     needed to attend to an older loved one, get advice about Medi-  •  The proposed federal budget for 2019 has a stunning
     care or Social Security, borrow a walker or wheelchair from our   number of $0’s for programs affecting seniors.    Family Caregiver Support
     lending closet, or take advantage of our Lunch & Learn series.    Despite these threats, we, at Island Senior Resources, choose to
     Islanders are coming in to see our staff at Bayview, at the Oak   do everything in our power to remain a constant in our com-  Time Together Adult Day
     Harbor Senior Center, or the Camano Center in record num-  munities and be an unwavering resource for seniors, despite   CamBey Apartments
     bers!                                                 the odds.  Great credit goes to our phenomenal staff and vol-   In Home Care
     Far from our lovely Whidbey shores, there are threatening   unteers that make all of what we do possible.           Case Management
     clouds in Washington, D.C. that could upend our ability to   April 15-21 is National Volunteer Week. As you look at your
     respond to the growing number of seniors and those caring   spring and summer activities, consider joining us. Bring some   Medical Transportation/
     for them in Island County.  In a recent conversation with non-  sunshine and make a difference in the lives of seniors in Island   Volunteer Services
     profit leaders in Island County and Congressman Rick Larsen,   County!
                                                                                                                    Senior Thrift 360-331-5701
     DRIVE FOR CHANGE                                                                                              For more information, visit

     What is the Island Senior Resources Drive   CamBey Apartments (Coupeville)  donate online at www.senior-resources.
     for Change?  It’s a way you can create   (please visit www.senior-resources.  org or send a check to Island Senior
     change with your change.                org for location addresses)     Resources, with “Drive for Change” in the   OUR LOCATIONS
     •  Collect your change                                                  memo. You can also help us spread the
                                         Every penny makes a difference. You                                        Island Senior Resources (Bayview)
     •  Ask others to help               can help us reach our goal of $10,000   word by posting “I support the ISR Drive   14594 SR 525
                                                                             for Change” on Facebook. Encourage
     •  Bring your change to Island Senior   this year (that’s 1,000 meals, hundreds   others to participate.             Langley, WA 98260
      Resources                          of rides, or hours of care for seniors and
                                         adults with disabilities).          Every donation, big or small, helps us     Oak Harbor Senior Center
     Drop off locations:                                                                                             (in collaboration with Oak Harbor Senior
                                         If you use debit or credit cards for all   help seniors and adults with disabili-      Center)
         Island Senior Resources (Bayview)   your expenses and don’t get much   ties, their families, and caregivers. Your   51 SE Jerome St
         Senior Thrift                   change, you can still participate. You can   change can change their life.      Oak Harbor, WA 98277

                                                                                                                            Camano Center
                                                                                                                      (in collaboration with Camano Center)
                                            DRIVE SAFE DRIVE SMART                                                        606 Arrowhead Rd
             I explore.                                                                                                Camano Island, WA 98282
                                                        Take the new AARP smart driver course                             CamBey Apartments
             I discover.                          Saturday, May 5 • 8:30 am – 4 pm                                       Coupeville, WA 98239
                                                                                                                             50 N Main St
                                                            Island Senior Resources (Bayview)
       I matter.                         •  Refresh your driving skills; understand                                       5518 Woodard Ave
                                                                                                                             Senior Thrift
                                           the new rules of the road.
                                                                                                                          Freeland, WA 98249
                                         •  Learn driving strategies to help you                                       For more information call:
                                           stay safe behind the wheel.
                                                                                                                    (360) 321-1600 or (360) 678-3373
                                         •  This class may save you money on
                                           your car insurance.

                                         •  There are no tests to pass.                                               ISLAND SENIOR
                                                                                                                   RESOURCES BOARD
                                         •  Lunch not included.
                                             Cost: $15 AARP members, $20 for non-AARP members. Registration required.    OF DIRECTORS
                                                             Call 360-321-1600 or 360-678-3373.
                                                                                                                      Cynthia Trowbridge: President
                                                                                                                       June Nailon: Vice President
                                                                                                                        Wendy Gilbert: Treasurer
                                                                                                                        Karen Cowgill: Secretary
                                           Combine & Save.                                                                 Christina Baldwin
                                                                                                                             Leo Baldwin
                                                                                                                           Kathryn Beaumont
                                                                                                                              Jill Brown
                                                                                                                             Vickie Hagley
                                          I can help you save time & money.                                                  Julie Joselyn
                                          One  agent  for  all  your  insurance needs
                                          saves  time.  And  Allstate’s multi-policy   El Cazador                           Marie McElligott
                                          discounts  are  an  easy  way  to  save                                           Chris Schacker
                                          money. For affordable  protection for your                                           Bill Wells
                                          home, car, boat and more, call me first.
                                                                                                                     Executive Director: Cheryn Weiser
          We’d love to hear from you!             MATTHEW IVERSON
             360-679-1400                         360-675-5978                                                      Please contact Island Senior Resources
                                                  466 NE Midway Blvd,
                                                  Oak Harbor, WA 98277                                                (360) 321-1600 or (360) 678-3373
      165 SW 6  AVENUE  |  OAK HARBOR, WA                                           if you are interested in applying to
                                                                                        join the Board. Special interest in
                                          Insurance and discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability.  Allstate Property and Casualty   North-island applicants.
                                          Insurance Co., Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co., Allstate Indemnity Co., Allstate Insurance Co.,
                                          2775 Sanders Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062 Northbrook, IL. © 2016 Allstate Insurance Co.
           Island Senior Resources, (360) 321-1600, (360) 678-3373 •
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