Page 12 - Island Times April 2018
P. 12

12                                                                                                                                  April 2018

     WALK ON continued from page 1       You will move at a slow pace as you are   sponsorship.  It’s a twice a year commit-
                                         spotting birds, and the folks alongside   ment to clean the shoulders and ditches.   WEB LINKS
     tunities around us for enjoyable warm   you will be eager to share knowledge   When you join an established group, you
     weather exercise. Another motto for   and help you spot spring’s returning bird   get a hardhat, bright vest, pick-up tool,
     April: strength without injury.     population. Bring binoculars and wear   and official trash bags. The thing I like   TO INFORM &
     There are printed and printable maps   layers for changing weather.     best is that roadside pick-up is always
     to many public trails—from Posses-  If you like gardening and want to learn   necessary and always easily doable.
     sion Point to Deception Pass. You can   or share knowledge, the Good Cheer   As long as I can bend down (using my   INSPIRE…
     go online or find maps and signs at a   Community Garden in Bayview has open   knees) and stand up, pocketing trash is
     number of trailheads and parking areas.   workdays every Wednesday. Folks will   both good exercise and a service project   When you have a few quiet moments,
     We have many convenient links to parks   also be planting community patches   many older people can do to help.   visit
     and trails in the Weblinks section of our   in Langley again this year; you can   I’m out walking the dog several times   There, you will find web links to resources
     website:    always buddy up with a neighbor and   a day, and I have an extra “you-know-  that will provide information and shine a
     Many of these places are dog-friendly   trade weeding sessions. Or, join the Oak   what-for” baggie along; I often carry an   light of inspiration to help you navigate
     (on leash), some are open to horses and   Harbor Garden club and help with a vari-  even bigger bag that I can fill. All my   today and tomorrow. Each month we
     trail bikes. In all my years of wandering   ety of civic gardening projects.  criteria:                     will add new resources, so keep checking
     Whidbey, I have found people courteous   If you just want to sit in the warming   • enjoy nature (leave it better than I   back. There will also be a tech tip of the
     in sharing their use of trails.                                                                             month! You can also reach the links from
                                         sun and not work, you can enjoy a few   found it!),                     our homepage www.senior-resources.
     If you want company, find a few folks   deep breaths on a bench at Deception   • keep my body limber (walk-walk-walk-  org and click “Links” in the upper right
     who move at the same pace you do and   Pass State Park, or sit on Second Street   bend-down-get-up-walk-walk-on), and   corner.
     make a schedule for when you walk. If   in Langley and shoo bunnies away from                               This Month you will find:
     you want a group, Senior Striders meets   newly planted beds.           • do something that helps me feel that
     every Thursday morning from 9-11:00   If you want a little more strenuous ser-  I’m a useful member of my community,   •  7 Keys to Healthy Aging
     AM, starting from Island Senior Resource   vice, there’s always roadside “pick-up.”   • are met by adding a little clean up to   •  Positive Attitudes About Aging May be a
     (Bayview) and carpooling to fun places   My neighborhood association picks up a   my daily strolls.           “Fountain of Youth”
     to hike. People can stroll or power   one-mile stretch of Bush Point Road, and   Another motto for April: Bend down,
     walk—everyone is welcome.           other local groups cover other stretches   pick it up, straighten up, walk on. It’s   •  Positive thinking:  Attitude to aging is the
     If you like looking at birds, join Audubon   of Island roadway—often easy to iden-  a beautiful world we live in—and it’s   key to optimal health
     and go on one of their free day trips.   tify by the county signs acknowledging   spring!                   •  Healthy Sleeping for Seniors


          AARP is offering free tax preparation services at Island
         Senior Resources (Bayview) each Thursday in March and
        April 1-5pm. This service is available by appointment only
          (drop-ins served on a space available basis). Please call
               (360) 678-3000 to schedule an appointment.

       Visit our new
        location on                                              7            Senior Striders
                                                                              Photo by Robert Gerhard
       Birch Street!                                       WHIDBEY NEWS GROUP
                                                           THE BEST OF
                                                                             Take a Hike – Literally!
                                                          READERS CHOICE AWARDS

                                                                             Go take a hike! It’s not an admonishment; it’s the best
                                                                             advice you can give yourself or someone you care   Above all, do not
                                                                             about. Walking is one of the best forms of full body
                                                                             exercise, and Whidbey Island is a fabulous place for a   lose your desire to
                                                                             walk. Join in a walk with Senior Striders every Thurs-  walk every day. I
                                                                             day, leaving Island Senior Resources (Bayview) at 9   walk myself into a
                                                                             a.m., returning at 11 a.m. The Striders carpool to that   state of well-being
                                                                             day’s walking location. Take advantage of this won-
                                                                             derful opportunity to share time with others, meet   and walk away from
                                                                             new friends, and get fresh air and exercise. There are   every illness.
                                                                             always others who walk your pace.
                                   For over 20 years                         Striders is a great group of men and women. We walk      ~ Kierkegaard
                                                                             our talk and talk our walk.  ~ Participant
                                   Dr. Kristine Jarrell
                                   has devoted herself                        ISLAND TIMES IS A PUBLICATION OF WHIDBEY WEEKLY
                                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                              PUBLISHED and distributed every month. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Whidbey Weekly,
                                   to audiology care on                       Island Senior Resources and Oak Harbor Senior Center cannot be held responsible for the quality of goods or services supplied by advertisers in this
                                                                              publication. Advertisements are not an endorsement by either Island Senior Resources or Oak Harbor Senior Center.
                                   Whidbey Island.                            TO ADVERTISE: Island Times publishes the last Thursday of each month. Deadline to advertise is two weeks prior to publish date. Please email advertise@
                                                                     or call (360) 682-2341. For more information, please visit
                                   She specializes in

                                   helping people cope                            Whidbey                           Weekly
            Begin your             with hearing loss by                            LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED

            journey to             providing aordable,
         better hearing                                                       390 NE MIDWAY BLVD | PO BOX 1098 | OAK HARBOR, WASHINGTON 98277
               today!              customized hearing                                  Publisher & Editor .........................................................Eric Marshall
                                                                                       Marketing Representatives ...............Penny Hill, Roosevelt Rumble
        360-678-1423               solutions.                                          Graphic Design ............................................................Teresa Besaw                                                           Production Manager .....................................................TJ Pierzchala

                                                                                       Circulation Manager ................................................... Noah Marshall
         20 N.W. Birch Street, Coupeville, WA 98239                           PHONE: (360)682-2341                      FAX: (360)682-2344

           Island Senior Resources, (360) 321-1600, (360) 678-3373 •
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