Page 38 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           meshes of different weight in Lichtenstein, TEP or TAPP  all their possible confounders almost is impossible in
           surgery. These studies will be discussed in KQ10c.  clinical studies!

           Discussion                                         Key question
           Though some of the clinical (RCT)studies have presented
           significantly different results between different treatment  KQ10.c Are outcomes influenced by mesh weight? Do
           groups, many could not, and ended up in non-significant  lightweight meshes have benefits in open or laparoscopic
           differences. This is often interpreted as equivalence, which  IH repair?
           is not justified.
             Complications in mesh-based hernia surgery sometimes  Introduction
           are mesh-related, but often result from failures during the
           surgical procedure, impaired wound healing, and/or by  There is an ongoing debate about the mesh type best suited
           material-induced inflammation and scarring with subse-  for IH repair. So-called LWMs are supposedly associated
           quent functional damage. A mix of risk factors for com-  with lower discomfort and less pain. However, they are
           plications is always at play. These limitations and  feared to result in higher recurrence rates than so-called
           confounders mean that statistically significant differences  HWMs. 393, 415–417  The analysis presented below—with
           are achieved only in some studies focussing just on the  special attention to data from meta-analyses—is intended
           comparison of materials. Whereas a significantly improved  to clarify the issue.
           outcome in a comparative clinical study can serve as an

           argument for a specific device, as obviously the impact  Evidence in literature
           exceeds the risk of an alpha-error; however, the non-find-  Open surgery
           ing of a significant difference may not serve as an argument  Some prospective randomized studies using Lichtenstein
           due to the low statistical power in most studies. Cohorts of  technique show advantages for LWM during the first
           less than 1000 patients usually are related with an unac-  postoperative weeks and months (\ 3 months) with regard
           ceptable risk for a beta-error (which means that the finding  to pain. 404, 412, 418, 419  Two of those studies evaluated long-
           is not representing the truth). The absence of a significant  term chronic pain (60 months follow-up). Those studies do
           finding therefore usually results from the limitations of the  not find differences between LWM and HWM. Meta-
           sample size rather than can be regarded as a real fact.  analyses find fewer instances of chronic pain for LWM in
           Consecutively, to prove the similarity of two materials with  the long term. 415, 419–421  Those analyses are strongly

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