Page 79 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           hernia operations, 111 completed a questionnaire. Fourteen  Evidence in literature
           of these patients (13%) had undergone pubic tubercle  Orchialgia results from damage to the testicle’s visceral
           suture removal. 205  Total or partial mesh removals were  innervation. These nerves run along the spermatic vessels
           done at the same time and the results of suture removal  and are derived from paravertebral ganglia mainly at the
           alone were not calculated. The results within this subgroup  kidney level. It is known that ipsilateral orchialgia occurs
           did not significantly differ from the results in the whole  in 6–44% of kidney donors. 207, 208  Laparoscopic standard
           study group of 111 patients answering the questionnaire,  procedure involves an en bloc dissection of the ureter and
           improvement being reported by 62% of the patients. In  gonadal vein divided at the level of the iliac vessels’
           those with chronic postherniorrhaphy pain (10–12% of IH  crossing. 207  Orchialgia does not occur if a gonadal-vein-
           repair patients), approximately 12–13% will have pain  sparing approach is used (so as not to disturb the vessel
           probably caused by tubercle mesh fixation, representing  below the point of ligation at the renal vein). A study of
           about 1% of chronic pain cases.                    genitofemoral neurectomy in 23 patients found that three of
                                                              six patients with persistent neuralgia had significant
           Discussion                                         orchialgia. None of the patients who had significant pain
           Despite this being an uncommon problem and the subject  relief after neurectomy had preoperative testicular pain. 209
           of a limited number of publications, pain due to pubic bone  Another study found that orchialgia was not affected by
           periosteal interference is an important issue with a signif-  laparoscopic triple neurectomy in refractory neuropathic
           icant impact on patient wellbeing. Our recommendation on  inguinodynia,  because  the  testes  have  a  separate
           the subject is, therefore, ungraded to strong.     innervation. 210
             In open anterior mesh repairs, the mesh overlapping the  Testicular pain occurs after open and laparoscopic her-
           medial pubic tubercle is, in fact, an ‘‘onlay’’ mesh part,  nia operations. Etiologies include: spermatic cord trauma,
           meaning that local preparation for mesh placement is  inflammation and fibrosis due to mesh ingrowth, and cord
           important. Overlap should compensate for mesh shrink-  strangulation at the passage through a cut slit in the mesh.
           age. 206  Deeply positioned sutures for medial mesh fixation  Note that publications on testicular problems that do not
           should be avoided, and if local treatment with anesthetics  cite patient numbers are excluded from our discussion.
           and corticosteroids fail, surgical suture removal must be  A meta-analysis on endoscopic versus open mesh and
           considered. 203                                    non-mesh techniques found testicular atrophy or ‘‘prob-
             The sensitive pubic bone area is also reachable via the  lems’’ in 51 of 7622 operations (0.7%) with no statistical
           preperitoneal route. The pectineal ligament along the pubic  significant inter-group differences in articles reporting on
           bone’s superior ramus is commonly used for suture fixa-  this issue. 83, 84  Chronic postoperative pain was reported in
           tion. This ligament thins medially and sutures or tacks in  598 of 8524 operations (7%), endoscopic 5%, and open
           that area may reach periosteum. However, no publications  9%. Orchialgia and testicular problems represented 10% of
           specifically address this issue.                    the chronic groin pain cases. 83, 84  A systematic review
           Orchialgia                                         found the incidence of testicular pain to be 1–6%. In
                                                              another article reporting on those with severe or very
           Introduction                                       severe groin pain, 22 of 120 (18%) had testicular pain and
           Few CPIP patients develop testicular pain. If it develops,  2.6–4.5% had testicular atrophy. 146  A meta-analysis of
           however, it can be debilitating and adversely affect sexual  open preperitoneal versus Lichtenstein repair that included
           function and quality of life.                      2860 patients found testicular problems in 1.3 and 1.9%,
                                                              respectively, chronic pain in 7.1 and 12.3%, respectively,
           Key question                                       for a total of 1.6% incidence of testicular problems and a
                                                              9.8% incidence of chronic pain. 86  In four meta-analyses on
           KQ19P.l What percentage of CPIP patients have      lightweight versus heavyweight mesh in open hernia sur-
           orchialgia?                                        gery published from 2011 to 2013, testicular problems

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