Page 81 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           a preoperative informative video before hernia surgery on  Pain treatment
           postoperative quality of life. A benefit was noted at
           3-month follow-up, but no difference was detectable at  Chronic postoperative pain treatment after inguinal hernia
           6 months. 225  The effect of music and music combined with  repair
           therapeutic suggestions was studied in a prospective ran-
           domized manner in day case varicose vein and IH surgery.  Introduction
           Either intervention demonstrated a modest effect on  Chronic pain is a significant complication after IH surgery
           patients’ pain in the immediate postoperative period. Long-  leading to disability, dissatisfaction, and impaired produc-
           term effects were not studied. 226  The effect of postopera-  tivity and quality of life. Despite a wide array of general
           tive education after hernia surgery was studied in a  pain treatment options, management of this burdensome
           prospective randomized fashion. No difference in postop-  condition remains challenging. Due to a paucity of evi-
           erative pain or return-to-work interval was found, but a  dence-based data of the subject and heterogeneous patient
           small statistically significant benefit on pain-when-moving  populations and pathologies, expert opinion plays a vital
           was found on postoperative day #7. However, the study  role in decision-making. For this reason, nearly all state-
           authors found no reason to recommend a change in stan-  ments in the section below are only weakly supported but
           dard practice regarding postoperative counseling. 227  do represent a blend of an exhaustive literature review and
                                                              expert opinion. The recommendations reflect current state-
           Discussion                                         of-the-art and are important for clinicians and patients
           The perioperative use of medications to prevent chronic  dealing with chronic pain.
           pain has focused mainly on blocking central sensitization
           and the development of neuropathic pain. Gabapentin is the  Key question
           best studied and has a documented short-term benefit. In
           general, these benefits fade after 1–6 months. Pregabalin,  KQ19T.a How should inguinal hernia repair patients with
           though less well studied, has a similar effect. Capsaicin and  immediate, severe, postoperative pain be treated?
           etanercept have no proven long-term effect on chronic

           pain. So-called ‘‘preventive analgesia’’ through multimodal  Evidence in literature
           approaches is predicated on the assumption that the only  There is clear evidence that acute postoperative pain is a
           way to prevent central sensitization is to completely block  risk factor for chronic pain development. Early adequate
           any painful input from the surgical wound from time-of-  pain management is vital to reduce the risk of conversion to
           incision to final wound healing. 211, 212           chronic pain. 228, 229  The existing guidelines of prevention
             Preoperative psychological predispositions toward the  and chronic pain management after IH repair address the
           development of chronic pain have been investigated in  issue of whether immediate reoperation is necessary. 147
           several surgical disciplines. This field remains poorly  No studies exist on the appropriate treatment of acute
           studied. The limited data available suggest only minor  severe pain after IH repair. In particular, no studies address
           short-term effects on postoperative pain and no benefit in  whether early reoperation with neurectomy prevents
           chronic pain prevention.                           chronic pain. From a purely pragmatic perspective;

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