Page 85 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
P. 85


           Discussion                                         Discussion
           Given the limitations of the literature on this subject, no  The literature quality on this subject area is poor, resulting
           conclusions can be reached regarding mesh removal sans  in weakly supported recommendations. Given that mesh
           neurectomy.                                        removal and neurectomy and the decisions around these
                                                              procedures are complex, this will likely be the situation for
           Key question                                       some time. A high level of expertise and experience is
                                                              required for positive outcomes. Neurectomy type is prob-
           KQ19T.f What type of neurectomy should be performed in  ably a secondary consideration relative to the selection of
           patients with chronic neuropathic pain ([ 3 months) after  appropriate patients likely to benefit from nerve resection.
           IH repair?

           Evidence in literature
           High level evidence is lacking. In total, 25 papers were  Chapter 20
           identified. 171, 210, 257–276  Most are retrospective case series.
           There are only two prospective studies. 260, 265  The first one
           describes detailed preoperative and postoperative charac-  Recurrent inguinal hernias
           teristics using mesh removal and a selective neurectomy.
           The second reports on 20 cases treated by endoscopic triple  H. Tran, D. Weyhe, and F. Berrevoet
           neurectomy (success rate 100%). There are no studies
           comparing tailored and triple neurectomies. The results of
           endoscopic triple neurectomies were reported in seven case  Introduction
           series/studies/trials. 171, 172, 210, 259, 263, 265, 266 The remaining
           18 studies reported on patients treated with a tailored  Recurrent inguinal hernia clearly still is a major health
           neurectomy. 257, 258, 260–262, 264, 267–277        problem. It is estimated that, worldwide, approximately 20
             The reported outcomes of triple neurectomy operations  million primary IH operations are performed annually.
           range from an 85–100% pain reduction. Selective single or  Recurrence rates in this same population can be as high as
           double neurectomy studies generally report lower success  15%. 279  This figure is difficult to pinpoint, since recurrence
           rates.                                             rates vary with length of follow-up. 280  Regardless, vast
             Numerous confounding factors prohibit firm conclusions  resources are committed to this problem.
           regarding a preferred neurectomy technique. First of all,  Over 35 years after the introduction of mesh and
           most of the triple neurectomy data are derived from a  25 years after the first laparoendoscopic IH repair was
           single institute with reports including sequentially accu-  performed, recurrence rates when compared to open-repair
           mulated data. Furthermore, pain scores, follow-up, ques-  (tissue) techniques have not consistently decreased world-
                                                                   49, 281, 282
           tionnaire, and neurologic examination techniques are  wide.      This situation needs improvement. Reori-
           inconsistent and mostly absent. Therefore, the hetero-  enting our thinking, such that recurrence is routinely
           geneity in patient data prohibits firm conclusions.  considered a complication rather than an expectation is a
                                                              necessary first step.

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