Page 90 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Key question                                       •  ASA class III and IV, BMI [ 30, and recurrent hernia 30
           KQ21.b Which risk factors increase morbidity and mor-  •  Anticoagulant use 307
           tality in adults with incarcerated/strangulated groin
                                                                One study group has proposed a classification scheme to
                                                              objectively reflect the degree of clinical and morphological

           Evidence in literature                             changes in acutely incarcerated bowel. They found that
           Morbidity and mortality are increased amongst incarcer-  acute incarceration time was the strongest predictor of
           ated/strangulated adult groin hernia patients with the fol-  bowel damage and subsequent infection. They also found
           lowing risk factors.                               that outcomes were worse in older patients, especially
                                                              those with comorbidities and higher ASA scores. 312
           •  Age [ 65 years,                      especially
              octogenarians 309                               Discussion
           •  Prolonged symptom duration 305
           •  Delay to admission, diagnosis, and surgery 22   The statement is graded as low evidence, because the
           •  Prolonged time from admission to start of surgery 308  available evidence leaves appreciable uncertainty about the
           •  Incarceration for more than 24 h 310            magnitude of the effects of the various risks cited. More
           •  Symptom duration of 3 or more days 307          study in this area is clearly needed.
           •  Bowel obstruction 308
           •  Lack of health insurance 308                    Key question
           •  Associated midline laparotomy for exploration after
              incarcerated/strangulated hernia reduction 311  KQ 21.c Which diagnostic method is most suitable for the
           •  Femoral hernia, 30, 305–308  especially right-sided 306  detection of incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias in
           •  Female gender 138, 304, 305                     adults?

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