Page 91 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Evidence in literature                             Discussion
           No RCTs, systematic reviews, or meta-analyses were found  Although the statement is only weakly supported by evi-
           that address the KQ21.c. Two NRSs exist on ultrasound as  dence, the recommendation was upgraded to strong,
           a means to detect incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias.  because potential benefits greatly outweigh risks. RCTs are
           In the first of these, ultrasound was found to be helpful in  needed on the value of imaging studies in the setting of
           diagnosing those with atypical presentations (e.g., obese  suspected incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias.
           patients). 313  Hernia complications such as incarceration
           and strangulation are usually diagnosed or strongly sus-  Key question
           pected based on a constellation of signs and symptoms
           occasionally supported, or augmented, by laboratory data.  KQ21.d Should adults with acutely incarcerated/strangu-
           However, sonography is required when the clinical picture  lated IHs undergo repair emergently?
           is inconclusive or when the surgeon believes that he must

           assess the contents of an incarcerated/strangulated groin  Evidence in literature
           hernia sac preoperatively. Sonographic findings associated  Although most would immediately and intuitively answer
           with incarcerated hernias include: free fluid in the hernia  ‘‘yes!’’ to the question, there is no RCT supporting this
           sac (accuracy 96%), bowel wall thickening within the  opinion. However, results from NRSs consistently support
           hernia (accuracy 97%), fluid within a herniated bowel loop  the approach. A low-quality, comparative cohort study
           (accuracy 94%), or dilated intraabdominal bowel loops  with small numbers of adult patients with incarcerated/
           (accuracy 92%). 313  This ultrasound study did not comment  strangulated groin hernias analyzed time from symptom
           on strangulated hernias due to a paucity of cases.  In a  onset to surgery in two ways. 315  The first comparison was
           second study, sonography was used as a guide to show the  between patients requiring bowel resection and those not
           location and direction of the fascial defect when the  requiring it. The second was between patients treated
           inguinal mass was compressed with two hands. 314  This  within 12 h of symptom onset with those treated outside
           ultrasound-guided maneuver may achieve incarcerated  that window. Both analyses found a significant increase in
           hernia reduction—reducing the number of emergent oper-  morbidity and mortality in those with delayed surgeries.
           ation—and was found to be easier than blind manual  Another similar study comparing patients operated upon
           reduction. Another advantage of sonography in this setting  within 24 h of symptom onset versus those operated on
           is its ability to diagnose other inguinal conditions pre-  after that period found a statistically significant increase in
           senting this groin pain or mass (e.g., varicocele, hydrocele,  bowel resection rates (29 vs 49%, p = 0.047).
           abscess, and lymphadenopathy). Notably, both studies  In addition, data related to the question which risk fac-
           included small patient numbers and their results must be  tors increase morbidity and mortality impact this issue. In
           interpreted cautiously.                            particular, presentation and treatment delays, incarceration
             No studies have been found regarding other imaging  duration, and prolonged symptom duration are related to
           modalities in adults with incarcerated/strangulated groin  increased morbidity and mortality in adults with incarcer-
           hernias.                                           ated/strangulated groin hernias.
             Regarding the importance of clinical examination, in a
           retrospective cohort study from the Swedish Hernia  Discussion
           Register, 135  the authors concluded that ‘‘In patients with  Although all studies in this subject area are of low quality,
           bowel obstruction, physical examination of the groin may  the statement is graded as strong, since benefits to patients
           decrease the time-to-surgery and reduce imaging investi-  seem to clearly outweigh risks. RCTs would be difficult, if
           gations in patients needing emergency surgery for groin  not frankly impossible, to perform; however, large-scale
           hernia.’’                                          epidemiological studies based on national or international

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