Page 104 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 104


               CHAPTER 27.  Continuing Obligations Under Federal Tax Law

                       When  an  organization  receives  a  determination  from  the  Internal  Revenue
               Service that it is qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of
               1986,  as  amended  (also  referred  to  as  “section  501(c)(3)”;  organizations  exempt
               from  federal  taxes  under  Code  section 501(c)(3)  also  referred  to  as  a  “501(c)(3)
               organization”),  it  is  the  beginning,  not  the  end,  of  a  compliance  process  that  will
               continue throughout  the organization’s life.  An organization must continue at all
               times to comply with tax law requirements in order to maintain its tax exemption.

                       y      The  organization  must  be  organized  and  operated  at  all  times
                              exclusively to further charitable purposes;

                       y      It  must  not  allow  any  of  its  assets  or  net  income  to  “inure”  to  the
                              benefit of an “insider”;

                       y      It must not participate in any campaign for or against any candidate
                              for political office;

                       y      It  must  not  engage  in  attempts  to  influence  legislation  as  any
                              substantial part of its activities;

                       y      It must report and pay tax on any net unrelated business income; and

                       y      It must comply with a variety of annual reporting and public disclosure

                       Each of these issues is addressed in more detail below.  In general, this Part
               addresses      nonprofit     organizations     exempt      from    federal    taxes    under
               section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (also referred
               to as “501(c)(3) organization(s)’) that are qualified as public charities, and not private
               foundations, under federal law.  A more restrictive set of rules applies to 501(c)(3)
               organizations  that  are  private  foundations.    The  private  foundation  rules  are
               beyond  the  scope  of  this  text,  but  are  introduced  and  discussed  briefly  in
               Chapter 22.  A special set of rules also applies to public charities that are classified
               as “supporting organizations.”  An organization is a supporting organization if its IRS
               determination  letter  identifies  it  as  an  organization  described  in  Code

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -93-                                        2018
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