Page 149 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 149

a professional in the business of preparing such forms or an audited
                              financial  statement  prepared  by  an  independent  certified  public
                              accounting for the preceding accounting year.

                       •      If  annual  gross  revenue  is  more  than  three  million  dollars  averaged
                              over  the  three  previously  completed  accounting  years,  the
                              organization  must  make  available  in  paper  form  to  the  public  upon
                              request  (or  make  it  accessible  to  the  public  on  the  internet)  the
                              organization’s independent, third-party audit of its financial records for
                              the preceding accounting year.  See RCW 19.09.541 .

                       If  a  charitable  organization  has  existed  for  less  than  three  years,  the
               calculation of gross revenue is based on the number of years of existence.  See WAC
               434-120-107(1).    The  requirement  to  obtain  an  audited  financial  statement
               prepared  by  an  independent  certified  public  accountant  may  be  waived  by  the
               Charities Program of the Secretary of State if the organization receives $500,000 or

               less in cash averaged over the prior three accounting years and complies with the
               reporting requirements for organizations with less annual gross revenue or if the
               organization can demonstrate that it reached the three-year average of more than
               three million dollars in gross revenue because of unusual or nonrecurring revenue
               received in a single year.  See WAC 434-120-107(2) .

                       All  charitable  organizations  must  register  before  conducting  solicitations.
               Charitable  organizations must  renew  their  registrations  and  file  reports  annually.
               Conducting solicitations without current registration  is a violation  of the CSA and
               may result in legal action.  See RCW 19.09.065.

                       c.     Regulation of Commercial Fund-Raisers Under the CSA

                       A  “commercial  fund-raiser”  under  the  CSA  means  a  person  or  entity  that
               (1) solicits or receives contributions for or on behalf of any charitable organization
               or  charitable  purpose  in  exchange  for  compensation  or  other  consideration;  or
               (2) is in the business of conducting charitable solicitations or receiving contributions
               on behalf of others (or who say they do this) in exchange for compensation or other
               consideration.  See RCW 19.09.020(5).

                       “Fund-raising  counsel,”  “consultants,”  and  commercial  coventurers  are  not
               commercial  fund-raisers.    “Fundraising  counsel”  or  “consultants”  are  retained  by
               charitable  organizations  under  written  agreement  to  provide  services  such  as
               advice and counseling regarding charitable solicitation activities, and do not engage

               in  any  fundraising  activities  on  behalf  of  others.    See  RCW  19.09.020(10).

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -138-                                       2018
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