Page 160 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 160
understanding of these terms is explained in some detail at
Organizations that may be recognized as tax-exempt under other sections of
the Internal Revenue Code, such as auto clubs, business leagues, chambers of
commerce, civic improvement associations, service clubs, social and hobby clubs,
and trade associations generally will not be granted the nonprofit mailing rate.
Political groups and voting registration offices are specifically authorized to use
nonprofit standard mail.
b. Nonprofit Mail Content
In addition to the overall eligibility as describe above, organizations must
ensure that the content of its mail, if at nonprofit rates, does not violate any
restrictions including the following:
• The authorization for mailing at nonprofit rates applies to a single
organization and cannot be shared with or delegated to another.
Contents must refer to the affairs and operations of the authorized
organization itself.
• If several organizations are cooperating to produce and distribute a
single mailing, all of the organizations must be authorized to mail at
nonprofit rates at the same Post Office — the one where the mail is
being deposited for delivery.
• The mailing cannot advertise any product or service that is not
substantially related to the organization’s purpose, and, specifically,
cannot promote a credit or debit card, an insurance policy (unless it is
primarily for the members of the organization and not commercially
available otherwise), or travel arrangements that do not contribute
substantially to achieving the organization’s purpose.
When a mailing is presented at a Business Mail Entry office for delivery, it
may be inspected before it is accepted. If the inspection suggests that any of these
restrictions has been violated, the mailing may be rejected, or payment of regular
first-class postage may be applied. If a mailing is subsequently identified as having
been accidentally accepted, the mailer may be required to pay the difference
between the postage paid at the time of mailing and regular first-class rates. These
determinations can be appealed to the Postmaster of the office where the
additional postage was paid.