Page 165 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 165

In contrast, if timely notice is given and the organization is qualified, contributions
               are  deductible,  even  if  the  contribution  is  made  before  the  application  for  tax
               exemption is filed.

                       The foregoing rule requires would-be exempt organizations organized after
               October 9, 1969, to give notice to the IRS of their existence and to the status they
               claim by applying for tax exemption.  The effect of the notice is procedural rather
               than  substantive,  and  the  action  taken  by  the  IRS  on  the  application  is  not
               conclusive.  Nevertheless, a favorable determination letter from the IRS is of great
               practical  importance  because  it  reassures  potential  donors  and,  unless  revoked,
               relieves them of the need to prove independently that the organization is qualified
               to receive deductible contributions.

                       The requirement to apply for tax exemption does not apply to:

                       •      Churches and certain related organizations;

                       •      Organizations,  other  than  private  foundations,  that  do  not  normally
                              have gross receipts in excess of $5,000 per taxable year; and

                       •      Subordinate organizations, other than private foundations, covered by
                              a group exemption letter.

                       b.     Requirements for Donors

                              (i)    Gifts of Property

                       An  individual,  partnership,  or  corporation  is  allowed  no  deduction  for  a
               charitable gift of property claimed to exceed $500 unless (i) the donor’s return for
               the year during which the gift was made includes a description of the property and
               such  other  information  as  the  IRS  may  require,  or  (ii) the  donor  shows  that  the
               failure  to include this statement  was  “due  to  reasonable cause and  not  to  willful
               neglect.”    See  Code  sections  170(f)(11)(A)(i),  170(f)(11)(A)(ii)(II),  170(f)(11)(B).    For
               purposes  of the dollar  threshold,  all  similar  items  of  property  donated  to  one  or
               more organizations are treated as one property.  See Code § 170(f)(11)(F).

                       This  requirement  applies  to  a  C corporation  only  if  it  is  either  a  personal
               service     corporation     or    a    closely    held    C corporation.         See    Code
               sections 170(f)(11)(A)(i),  170(f)(11)(B).    With  respect  to  a  gift  by  a  partnership  or
               S corporation,  the  partnership  or  corporation  must  include  a  statement  with  its
               return,  but  if  the  statement  is  not  so  included,  the  deduction  is  denied  at  the
               partner or shareholder level.  See Code section 170(f)(11)(G).

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -154-                                       2018
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