Page 170 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 170

taxpayer’s  return  for  the  year  is  filed  or,  if  earlier,  the  filing  due  date,  taking
               extensions into account.  See Code section 170(f)(8)(C).

                       For  a  taxpayer  performing  gratuitous  services  for  charity,  unreimbursed
               expenses incident to these services are considered adequately substantiated if the
               taxpayer’s  records  adequately  substantiate  the  amount  of  the  expenses  and  the
               charity provides a written statement:

                       •      Describing the taxpayer’s services;

                       •      Stating  whether  the  organization  provided  any  goods  or  services  in
                              consideration  for  the  unreimbursed  expenses  and,  if  so,  providing  a
                              good faith estimate of the value of the goods or services; and

                       •      Stating  whether  the  organization  provided  any  intangible  religious
                              benefits for the taxpayer.  See Treas. Reg. section 1.170A-13(f)(10).

                       If payments to charity are made by withholding from the taxpayer’s salary or
               wages,  the  amount  withheld  from  each  payment  of  wages  is  a  separate
               contribution for purposes of the $250 threshold.  See Treas. Reg. section 1.170A-
               13(f)(11).    If  the  amount  withheld  for  any  pay  period  is  $250  or  more,  the  gift  is
               adequately substantiated by a pay stub or Form W-2 from the employer stating the
               amount withheld and the recipient of the withheld amount, and a pledge card or
               other document prepared by or at the direction of the donee organization stating
               that  the  organization  provides  no  goods  or  services  in  consideration  for
               contributions made by payroll deduction.

                       A contribution by a partnership or S corporation is treated as made by the
               entity, not its partners or shareholders, who are allowed the deduction for the gift.
               See  Treas.  Reg.  section  1.170A-13(f)(15).  The  entity  must  therefore  obtain
               contemporaneous acknowledgment for a gift of $250 or more, even if no partner’s
               or shareholder’s share of the gift is as much as $250, and a partner or shareholder
               whose  share  of  the  gift  is  $250  or  more  is  not  required  to  substantiate  the  gift

                       The contemporaneous acknowledgment requirement is waived if the donee
               organization  files  a  return  including  the  information  required  to  be  given  by  the
               acknowledgment.  See Code section 170(f)(8)(D).  Also, the Treasury, by regulations,
               may  waive  some  or  all  of  the  requirements  of  the  acknowledgment  rule  in
               appropriate cases.  See Code section 170(f)(8)(E).

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -159-                                       2018
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