Page 309 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 309
Biographies of Handbook Authors and Lead Editors
Judy Andrews
Judy Andrew’s practice focuses on nonprofit corporation law and tax-exempt
organizations. For 30 years, she has represented nonprofit organizations on
corporate and tax exemption issues including incorporation and determination of
tax-exempt status, legal obligations of directors, organizational structure and roles
of board and staff, conversion, merger and affiliation issues, and federal tax-
exemption issues. In addition, she has worked as bond counsel and underwriter’s
counsel on many special fund revenue bond and nonrecourse revenue bond
financings. In 1992, Judy spearheaded the writing, editing and publishing of the
handbook “How to Form a Non-Profit Corporation in Washington State,” as chair of
the Community Involvement Committee of the King County Bar Association Young
Lawyers’ Division. She has served on the editorial committees of the second and
third editions of the handbook. She is a frequent speaker on nonprofit corporate
and federal tax topics. Judy is an adjunct professor at Seattle University School of
Law. She also gives workshops on the formation and maintenance of 501(c)(3)
organizations for attorneys and members of the public. Judy is of counsel at The
Apex Law Group. She was appointed by the Secretary of State to serve on the
Secretary of State’s Charities Advisory Council.
Judy Andrews, Lead Editor, authored Chapter 23. Applying with the Form 1023EZ,
Chapter 48. Requirements for Deducting Contributions, and co-authored
Chapter 59. Fiscal Sponsorships.
Nancy Bacon
Nancy Bacon leads the development and implementation of Washington
Nonprofits’ learning and engagement programs. Weaving together her interest in
education and nonprofit management, Nancy creates and supports programs that
strengthen the ability of people working within nonprofits to better make a
difference in their communities across Washington State. Nancy received a B.A. in
Economics and German Literature from Swarthmore College and a Master of Public
Administration from the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Affairs.
She created and directed the World Affairs Council’s award-winning Global
Classroom program and has worked with a range of nonprofit organizations as
they developed their internal capacity and external community to better serve their
mission. She occasionally blogs on topics related to adult education.