Page 11 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 11
• Provide strategies for developing • Public health departments
partnerships • Senior and community centers
• Provide information on building the • State Medicaid agencies
infrastructure needed to implement
effective programs • Universities and/or community colleges
that offer programs for older adults living
• Suggest approaches to improving in the community.
program implementation
• Provide methods for evaluating programs references
Bergen G, Chen LH, Warner M, Fingerhut LA.
• Suggest ways to promote programs
Injury in the United States: 2007 Chartbook.
• Provide resources and strategies to Hyattsville: National Center for Health
increase sustainability
Statistics, 2008.
This guide is intended for CBO decision
makers, program managers and partners in Rubenstein, L.Z. & Josephson, K.R. (2006).
organizations that serve older adults living Falls and their prevention in elderly people:
independently in the community such as: what does the evidence show? Med Clin
North Am, 90(5), 807–824.
• Area Agencies on Aging
Tinetti, M.E., Williams, T.F. & Mayewski, R.
• Emergency medical services
(1986). Fall risk index for elderly patients
• Faith-based and parish nurse services based on number of chronic disabilities.
and programs
Am J Med, 80, 429–434.
• Health care organizations that provide
individual health care, individual or
group community programs, and
home-based services
• Home-based services (e.g., home health,
meal-delivery services, chore services)
• Hospital outpatient and community
• Independent/retirement living, residential,
and senior housing facilities and/
or settings for older adults who live
• Nonprofit organizations that provide
direct services to older adults
• Parks and recreation organizations