Page 10 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 10
Appendix E — Template for Developing a Sustainability Plan
Effective interventions can
prevent older adult falls
CDC has identified community-based fall
prevention interventions that have strong
scientific evidence of effectiveness. All
were found to be effective in randomized
controlled trials. These interventions have
been summarized and compiled in A CDC
Compendium of Effective Fall Interventions:
What Works for Community-Dwelling Older
Adults, the companion publication to this
document. CDC would like to help CBOs
translate and implement these proven fall
The CDC Compendium is available at:
who are at highest risk for falls. A fall
risk assessment is covered in the annual The Administration for Community Living’s
Medicare Wellness Visit. Administration on Aging has also identified
To help older adults better understand their evidence-based community programs that
fall risk, the Centers for Disease Control and reduce falls or falls risks. A list of these
Prevention’s (CDC) Injury Center helped programs is available at:
develop the Stay Independent brochure. Purpose of this guide
This is a validated fall risk self-assessment
tool that can be used in clinical or CDC developed this guide to help
community settings to raise awareness communities and CBOs identify appropriate
about fall risks as well as help older adults evidence-based fall prevention programs
begin to discuss this sensitive topic with that can be implemented in the community.
their health care providers. It also describes the resources needed to
implement and sustain these fall prevention
The Stay Independent brochure is shown in programs.
Appendix A and is available at: The main purposes of this guide are to:
• Promote an integrated, collaborative
approach to fall prevention
• Provide guidelines for selecting an
appropriate fall prevention program