Page 32 - navigating your ms care
P. 32

NAVIGATING YOUR MS CARE                                                                                                              HOW TO WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH YOUR DOCTOR

                                                                               7.        How will I know if the medication is working or not?

                                                                               8.        What should I do if I forget to take my medication?

                                                                                         Are there risks if I don’t take it, or if I miss a dose?

                                                                               9.        Are there any over-the-counter drugs (e.g., vitamins,

                                                                                         herbal supplements, pain relievers, cold remedies)

                                                                                         that I should avoid while taking this medication?

                                                                               10.       Can I drink alcohol while on this medication?

                                                                               11.       Does insurance typically cover the cost of this

                                                                                         medication? If not, is there financial assistance

                                                                                         available for this medication?

                                                                               12.       Do you have any samples or coupons

                                                                                         for this medication?

                                                                               13.       Would you prescribe this medication to a friend or

                                                                                         loved one? Why or why not? If you would with some

                                                                                         reservations, what would they be?

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