Page 28 - navigating your ms care
P. 28

NAVIGATING YOUR MS CARE                                                                                                              HOW TO WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH YOUR DOCTOR

                                                                               4.  What’s the prognosis for this type of MS?

                                                                                         Different types of MS can have very different

                                                                                         outcomes, so it’s important to understand

                                                                                         the differences. Remember, no two cases of MS

                                                                                         are the same.

                                                                               5.  What symptoms are typical for this type of MS?

                     Quick Notes                                               6.  What types of treatment do you recommend?

                                                                                         There are many different ways to treat MS, including

                                                                                         oral medication, injectables, infusions, diet, and

                                                                                         supplements. Your doctor can help you understand

                                                                                         which treatment is right for you and why.

                                                                               7.  Are there treatments for [specific symptoms

                                                                                         you’re experiencing]?

                                                                               8.  Do you have any suggestions to try to combat this

                                                                                         disease that don’t involve a prescription (e.g., exercise,

                                                                                         diet, massage, yoga, biofeedback, reflexology)?

                                                                               9.  Are there other specialists I should see

                                                                                         (e.g., speech, physical, or occupational therapists,

                                                                                         a neuropsychologist)?

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