Page 25 - navigating your ms care
P. 25

NAVIGATING YOUR MS CARE                                                                                                              HOW TO WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH YOUR DOCTOR

                         Mood tracker

                                   Date                                  Today I feel                                                                 I feel this way because

                                                                               Symptom tracker

                                                                               Many doctors will ask you to fill out the Multiple Sclerosis

                                                                               Impact Scale at your appointments. This scale provides

                                                                               a list of questions about your symptoms over the last two

                                                                               weeks. If you have access to the internet, try searching

                                                                               online for the scale and printing it out ahead of time.

                                                                               It’s helpful to track your symptoms daily so you’re

                                                                               prepared to answer these questions when you go

                                                                               to your appointments.

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