Page 22 - navigating your ms care
P. 22

NAVIGATING YOUR MS CARE                                                                                                              HOW TO WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH YOUR DOCTOR

                     How to work

                     effectively with

                     your doctor

                                                                               Being prepared for your appointments will help you make

                                                                               good use of your time with your doctor. You may find it

                                                                               useful to bring the following to each appointment as you

                                                                               share updates with your doctor.

                                                                               •     a record of your daily habits (see health diary)

                                                                               •     a list of your symptoms (see daily symptom tracker)

                                                                               •     a list of all of your medications, including vitamins,

                                                                                     supplements, herbal teas, and anything else you might

                                                                                     be taking (see medication tracker)

                                                                               •     a list of any other conditions or ailments you may have

                                                                               •     a friend or relative, if possible. They can provide more

                                                                                     support, help you remember what you want to ask the

                                                                                     doctor, and take notes.

                                                                               •      a list of questions you want to ask your doctor

                                                                                     (see doctor discussion guides)

                                                                               •      results of any recent tests

                                                                               •      a copy of your medical records for your first

                                                                                     appointment. Don’t assume the doctor has received

                                                                                     your medical records even if they were sent. With MS,

                                                                                     it’s particularly important for your doctor to be able to

                                                                                     see the pictures of the MRI. Most imaging facilities will

                                                                                     give you a copy on a CD.

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