Page 20 - navigating your ms care
P. 20

NAVIGATING YOUR MS CARE                                                                                                             QUESTIONS TO ASK AT YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT



                                                                               1.  What is your approach to treating MS?

                                                                                             a. Do you host clinical trials?

                                                                                             b. Do you recommend any herbs, vitamins, or other


                                                                                             c. Do you have any suggestions to try to combat

                                                                                                   this disease that don’t involve a prescription

                                                                                                   (e.g., vitamins, exercise, diet, massage, yoga)?

                                                                               2. How do you typically treat an MS flare?

                                                                               3. Do you think my current therapy is the right one

                                                                                     for me at this time?

                                                                               4. What do you recommend for my personal

                                                                                     treatment plan?

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