Page 28 - MAYO CLINIC Head to Toe e-magazine 293700
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blouse or sweater, topped by a wool jacket for indoor dress  Use
              warmth-conserving fabrics such as silk, wool or down, or synthetic
              fabrics such as polypropylene
              •  Exercise

              During activity, small, surface blood vessels dilate so that more warm
              blood flows to your hands and feet  The effect can last several hours
              •  Avoid all forms of nicotine
              Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor  — a substance that narrows blood
              vessels and reduces blood flow to small, surface vessels
              •  Avoid certain medications

              Certain migraine medications with ergot derivatives and beta blockers
              such as propranolol act as vasoconstrictors and may cause cold
              hands and feet  If you suspect that a medication might be causing
              your symptoms, talk with your doctor, but don’t make changes to
              your medication regimen without your doctor’s advice
              •  Reduce stress
              Chronic stress and anxiety can cause your nervous system to pump out
              adrenaline  This hormone also acts as a vasoconstrictor

   30         Do’s and don’ts for avoiding infections

              Follow these tips to help lower your risk of infections:
                Do wash your hands
              Wash your hands with soap and water before handling food, after
              using the bathroom and after handling pets  Wash your hands
              often when you have a cold
              •  Don’t share eating or drinking utensils

              That’s a good way to spread infections
              •  Do cook certain foods thoroughly — especially hamburger

                — to kill bacteria
              Don’t eat raw or undercooked meat or poultry, raw seafood, or raw
              eggs  Don’t drink or cook with unpasteurized milk

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