Page 46 - MAYO CLINIC Head to Toe e-magazine 293700
P. 46

•  Give details about the victim’s condition

              Is the person bleeding severely? Choking? Unconscious? How long
              ago did the incident occur?
              •  Describe first aid
              If someone else is present and giving first aid, what kind is it?
              CPR or other emergency care?
              •  Describe the victim’s location

              Is he or she in the upstairs bedroom? Downstairs on the bathroom
              •  Listen carefully
              Then write down instructions  Ask the dispatcher to repeat the
              •  Don’t hang up too soon

              Wait until the dispatcher tells you to hang up
              •  Make sure your house number is clearly visible

              If it’s dark, turn a light on outdoors to show your house number


  49          Healthy ways to deal with stress

              Take common clues to stress — headaches, upset stomach, trouble
              sleeping — seriously  Learn to manage stress with these  techniques:
              •  Change the factors you can
              You may not be able to walk away from a stressful job or home
              situation, but you can develop new responses to defuse anger or
              conflict  You can also learn to manage your time better with stress-
              lowering techniques — from delegating household responsibilities
              to just saying no
              •  Exercise regularly
              The natural decrease in adrenaline production after exercise may
              counteract the stress response  Physical activity can relieve
                symptoms of anxiety  Along with medical care and counseling,
              exercise can help improve anxiety and depression

          50 Head-to-Toe Health Tips                                 45
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