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The Importance of Enzymes
Basic human survival requires only a
handful of primary needs to be met.
You’re undoubtedly aware of most of
them: oxygen, water, food, shelter and
Yet many live their entire lives without
once considering another primary
survival need: enzymes.
They’re responsible for breaking down
the food you eat to give your body the nutrients needed to build
new bone, muscle, nerves and every other cell. But they’re needed
for far more than digestion.
Enzymes are required for every biochemical reaction in all
100 trillion cells in your body.
Biological catalysts, enzymes
accelerate and regulate processes It’s no exaggeration
throughout your body so they can to say that without
perform at a pace fast enough to enzymes, you’re dead.
keep you alive. For example, one
enzyme – carbonic anhydrase
– helps convert over 36 million molecules of carbon dioxide per
second into a form that can be transported safely out of your
muscle tissue.
Your body manufactures trillions of enzymes on its own. But as we
age, the number of enzymes produced drops as much as 13% per
decade of life following puberty.
As a result, digestion suffers. Energy plummets.And disease,
discomfort and chronic pain become commonplace.
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