Page 5 - The Costco Connection - October 2018
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                                                                                    PURCHASE &

               MEMBERS ARE TALKING:
               I had a great experience working with this
               mortgage lender identi  ed through The
        ‘‘ ‘‘ Mortgage Program for Costco Members.
               Instructions were always clear and any
               questions I had were promptly answered.
               The staff is very proactive and just a he staff is very proactive and just a he staff is very proactive and just a
               T T
               pleasure to work with.        ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘
                                 – H
                                 – Hans M., Las Vegas, NVans M., Las Vegas, NVans M., Las Vegas, NV
                                 – H
                                      Individual results may vary.

               Find the right loan for you.                                   Types of loans available:
                                                                              ■ Conventional       ■ Jumbo
               Purchase or refinance with loan options from                   ■ FHA                ■  Second
                                                                              ■  First-time Buyers
               The Mortgage Program for Costco Members.                       ■ HARP               ■ VA
                                                                              ■    Investment Properties

               Call 1-866-716-3826 or visit

               General Program Disclosures: Mortgage lead generation, and/or originations are provided by or through Berkshire Bank (NMLS# 506896) and
               its wholly owned subsidiary First Choice Loan Services Inc. (NMLS #210764), located at One Tower Center, Floor #18, East Brunswick, NJ 08816.
               Berkshire Bank and First Choice Loan Services Inc. are licensed, registered, or exempt from state licensing in the states in which they originate
               mortgage loans or lines of credit. First Choice Loan Services Inc. is licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance, and licensed by the
               Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. AZ BK #0918586. Loans in AR, NY, and PR are originated
               by Berkshire Bank. First Choice Loan Services Inc. has no af  liation with First Choice Bank, chartered and located in California. Costco and its
               af  liates do not take loan applications, offer, negotiate, arrange or make mortgage loans or lines of credit. Costco does not guarantee
               products or services offered by First Choice Loan Services Inc. Berkshire Bank is an FDIC insured Massachusetts chartered bank. Berkshire
               Hills Bancorp (NYSE: BHLB) is the parent of Berkshire Bank. Costco is not af  liated with First Choice or any participating lender. Costco
               does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the activities of First Choice or any of the participating lenders.      SVC000344   0618  NMLS# 210764

                                                                              Selected Services
                                                                              Member-Only Values

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