Page 8 - The Costco Connection - October 2018
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Table of Contents October

              Up Front                          Lifestyle                         Shopping

              THIS MONTH                        FOR YOUR TABLE                    INSIDE COSTCO
              17   For October Pumpkin          70   Skinnytaste                  105   Costco Services:
                   carving, prepping your            Gina Homolka’s quest to           Intermedia
                   car for winter, holiday           lighten her family meals          New features provide
                   cards, Hot Wheels                 led to a new calling.             more mobility and
                   celebrates 50 years on            by Jennifer Babisak               fl exibility in phone
                   the “road” and more.                                                communication.
                                                74   SaŠ ron
              DEPARTMENTS                            Getting to know this         108   Buying Smart: Kirkland
                  9   Editor’s Note                  revered spice.                    Signature™ Cashews
                                                                                       Bringing high-quality
                                                     by Jennifer Babisak
                                                                                       cashews to Costco is a
                13   Member Comments            77   Supplier profi le: Tassos          meticulous, multistep
                                                     Family-owned growers              process.
                21   For Your Business:              of amazing olives.                by Laura Bode
                   Social responsibility.            by Barbara Randolph
                   by Rhonda Abrams                                               112   Treasure Hunt
                                                FOR YOUR HEALTH                        A sampling of what’s in
               24   For Your Business:                                                 the warehouse and on
                   Negotiating advice.          81   It’s a mister            now.
                   by Jessica Notini                 Humidifi ers can help
                                                     assuage the indoor dryness   117   Special Events
                27   Consumer Connection             of winter.                        Exciting products oˆ ered
                   by Amanda Horowitz                by Debbie Miller                  for a short time.
                31   Tech Connection            85   Migraine relief
                   by Marc Saltzman                  Preventing and treating
                34   Travel Connection               by Ilene Raymond Rush
                   by Peter Greenberg
                                                89   Medicare
               37   Member Poll                      Open enrollment is
                   What is your all-time             upon us. Plus, eHealth
                   favorite book?                    Medicare at Costco.
                                                     by Linda R. Bernstein
              122   Member Connection
                   The Gentle Barn rescues      FOR YOUR
                   The Gentle Barn rescues
                   animals of all kinds.
                   animals of all kinds.        ENTERTAINMENT
                                                92   Pennie’s Pick: Bridge of Clay
                                                     Markus Zusak explores
                                                     a physical and metaphorical      Farm to Table
                                                                                      The Costco Wayay
                                                     bridge between family            The Costco W
                                                     members.                         Followin
                                                                                      Following page 62g page 62
                                                     by Stephanie E. Ponder
                                                93   Buyer’s Picks
                                                     Reese Witherspoon and
                                                     Frederick Douglass.
                                                95   Book Club: Map of Days
                                                     The fourth title in the Miss
                                                     Peregrine’s Peculiar Children
                                                     young adult series.
                                                     by Judy Gelman and                  108
                                                     Vicki Levy Krupp
                                                99   Toy Buyers’ Picks


                                                                                      OCTOBER 2018   Costco Connection   5

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