Page 2 - the pulse spring 2019 e-magazine about Whidbey Health on Whidbey Island
P. 2
A Foundation of Caring
Polly Harpole
Hospital Guild
Let’s hear a round of applause for the historic
Polly Harpole Hospital Guild of Whidbey Island Luncheon
and those who came before. & Fashion
Polly Orr Harpole was Whidbey Island’s first
official public-health nurse who provided Show
maternity care at the Harpole Maternity Home in
Coupeville from 1936 to 1962. Her legacy remains Thursday, May 2
to this day at WhidbeyHealth Medical Center 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
through the wonder-women of the Polly Harpole
Hospital Guild. Whidbey Golf
and County Club
The Polly Harpole Hospital Guild was the parent 2430 SW Fairway Pt.
of 20 auxiliary guilds formed by Whidbey Island Oak Harbor
citizens in 1957 solely for the purpose of building
a hospital on the island. Here was a formidable Tickets $30
available at
group of 400 women, who spent 13 years Tickets $30
• The Shop
gathering funds to furnish the hospital. Their available at
• Sally Maylor
unstoppable determination was rewarded on n The Shop
March 1, 1970, when the hospital opened its doors n Sally Maylor
• Any guild member
for the first time. 360.720.2184
RSVP and payment
n Any guild member
Using their cracker-jack organizing skills, due by April 22.
the Polly Harpole Hospital Guild continued RSVP and Payment Gift Shop fashions modeled
through the years to offer volunteer services Due by April 22 by hospital volunteer
for the hospital, scholarships for those pursuing Margot Bottolfson.
healthcare careers, and funds for a medical • Raffle Items • Door Prizes • Delicious Food
equipment wish list that enhances the care
provided by the hospital to this day. • Fellowship with Neighbors and Friends
• Fashion Show with the Volunteers
In its ongoing support of this mission, the Polly of The Shop at WhidbeyHealth!
Harpole Hospital Guild will sponsor its annual
luncheon and fashion show.
New members are always encouraged
to join the Polly Harpole Hospital Guild!
Whidbey Island Public Hospital District Board of Commissioners
District 1, Grethe Cammermeyer, RN, PhD
District 2, Kurt Blankenship • District 3, Ron Wallin
District 4, Nancy Fey • District 5, Eric Anderson, DVM
To Learn More
Contact Ann Wright 360.678.7656 ext. 3244