Page 5 - the pulse spring 2019 e-magazine about Whidbey Health on Whidbey Island
P. 5


           Choices, continued

           Hospice Care

           Hospice provides care and guidance for an  “We have much better tools today to  Your
           individual, and their family and friends, at the  maintain a patient’s comfort,” Sanders says.  Hospice
           end-of-life. End-of-life is defined as having a
           “likely” prognosis of six months or less.  “And the care teams are highly-motivated,  Team
                                                  very skilled and passionate.”
           Diane Fiumara RN, BSN, manager of                                               n  A medical director
           WhidbeyHealth Hospice Care, gently     Hospice provides a multi-disciplinary team
           suggests that there should be more of a   that is focused on patient and family goals,   n  Nurses
           willingness to talk about death; our own   and how best to achieve these goals. The   n  Aides
           death.                                 team is ever present to provide support in a
                                                  holistic manner. Facing the end of life is often   n  Social workers
           “We all die and this is really OK,” Fiumara  riddled with complex emotions in addition to
           says. “In our society, death is a taboo topic  changes to one’s physical self.  n  Volunteers
           and I think it shouldn’t be. After                                              n  Spiritual care
           witnessing many deaths, I find it         “Here at WhidbeyHealth, I have never    and bereavement
           miraculous, and I truly believe   “Acceptance   worked with a more dedicated,     specialists
           there is so much more than   of death empowers   caring or hard-working group of
           meets the eye.”              you to live.”    people,” Fiumara says.              n  Physical and speech
                                                                                             therapy specialists
           Hospice Care provides     ~ Jerald Sanders, MD  If hospice can educate patients and  supplement the team
           needed medical equipment                    families about what to expect and     when needed
           to assist with a patient’s safety        help them control symptoms, there is more
           and comfort. Current medications, as well   likely to be a peaceful death with dignity.
           as those prescribed after hospice care are   Medical technology is a wonderful thing;  What They
           generally covered. Hospice also provides   but it does not confer immortality, and  Can Do
           personal care supplies that may include   sometimes may prolong a life only to allow
           briefs, wound-care dressings, lotions, etc.  suffering to persist.              This support varies
           Care can be wherever “home” is, including:  “Hospice is about understanding one’s  according to patient
           n  A home residence                    goals and helping the patient and family to  needs and goals, but
           n  An assisted-living facility         achieve them,” Fiumara says.             often consists of:
           n  A skilled-nursing facility          “In the end, it’s about choices.”        n  Teaching medication
           n  An adult-family home                                                           administration
           Jerald Sanders, MD is the Medical Director
           at WhidbeyHealth Hospice Care and                                               n  Education on what
                                                                                             to expect and how
           encourages preparation when it comes to
           end-of-life.                                                                      to prepare for these
           Many people fear “hospice” as they see it          Choices, continued next page
           indicating imminent death. The hospice care                                     n  Assistance with
           team hopes to empower the patient and                                             obtaining needed
           family to live each day with as much comfort                                      resources
           and dignity as possible.
                                                                                           n  Spiritual care
           “Acceptance of death empowers you to live,”
           Dr. Sanders says.                                                               n  Personal care (such
                                                                                             as assistance with
           He also says that death is all about the                                          bathing)
           choices you make in life. Today Palliative and
           Hospice Care is very different than it was just
           20 years ago.
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