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We go through all the motions and then they leave to go find out more about their sister. Neither of
them had any idea she was pregnant and had even less of an idea who may have gotten her
pregnant, which is to say they pretty much didn't know anything about anything.
After they leave, I walk to where Joe resides so peacefully. What I would give to sleep like that.
Sure, I've slept, but I haven't really slept like a baby on my own terms for probably over a decade.
Okay, that's a lie, every once in a while I do sleep like a baby, but it's rare. That is not a
foreshadowing of the baby's tragic death.
I go back to where I had been waiting and the time from the clock begins to tick again. Mary's
sisters are no where to be found. I sit there, in a way trying to fall asleep, but also trying to stay
awake. At the same time I'm wondering why I don't just leave.
Sometime later Mary's sisters come out and tell me it's all done but the baby is having
complications of his own. It's a he.
They show me the way to where Mary is, and when I finally see her she looks different. Literally
and philosophically. It is reported that there are about thirty thousand genes in the human body.
These are one of the findings from the Human Genome Project; a project started in 1989 by human
beings to try and understand the makeup of life more clearly. The project itself trying to
understand God and Satan's project. Trying to figure out what they are. I've had many dreams
before where I see God and Satan in a room that is painted with white walls and they are walking
about the room flipping switches on and off. Some of the switches go up and down, others go left
and right, and the remaining few are actually dials. What they are trying to accomplish, I am not
sure, but it takes them a very long time to get it right.
Mary. After spending fifteen minutes with her after her son has been born, I notice that she's made
a transformation, but to be honest, she had been making the transformation for as long as I've
known her.
It's like a force has come along, a force such as love, and has changed her. Changed her
mathematical formula. Her genetic makeup. The paleomammalian complex. She's not angry, but
she is scared. Scared because she doesn't know what will happen to her son.
I leave, and I take her car back to the apartment building as she requests, and her sisters stay with
her as her son decides whether he wants to stay in this world or not. I have to say, it will be a tough
decision if he happens to see what goes on in the inner city.
As I walk into the apartment building and as the Sun is falling, I take a look at some flowers I
haven't seen in a while. I have become so used to them that I forget they are there. They seem full,
complete, but it's a shame their creator is not here to see them with me. I'm just glad that they are
normal. At least I think they are. It's all very subjective.
I lay down on my couch. Mr. Nosleep is still here, ruining my day. I turn on the television and find
the news channel. A story about a recall. Something bad with some eggs. Interesting. After a few