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To Rev Francis O. Anosike
Matthew 24:14 (KJV)
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end
The fourth Industrial Revolution is all about how machinery has linked into human life. As children of God we cannot deny
this fact so to win souls for the kingdom we have to use digital models. We at Region G Media have realised this and have
structured a digital marketing outreach campaign to minister the word to the masses based on nine methods of delivery.
The outreach campaign seeks and targets to reach all groups and spheres of modern society.
The digital platforms we will use for the campaign in the short and long term will include bulk emails, Facebook,
WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, online television and radio, websites as well as on digital posters and digital bill-
boards. Tools such as Google analysis and Mail Chimp will also be employed during the campaign.
The nine methods of delivery
1. Physical and digital newspapers, magazines, booklets As mentioned in the opening scripture the word will be
and outreach pamphlets. preached to all, then shall the end come. Far from the
belief that spreading the word to the masses has to be
expensive, allowing a congregation to have a publication
is not only a way to minister the works of Christ but is
also a way to fundraise to finance more expensive
means of outreach such as television and crusades.
Creating and producing publications is not capital inten-
sive but requires grace, passion and diligence for the
work of Christ.
The digital publications will be distributed through the
channels that have been designed and are currently
employed by Region G Media. On distribution a publica-
tion can reach over 300 000 souls with each edition pub-