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2. The ROV App an ability to reach non-registered or sources, and faith formation tools.
difficult to contact members. Push Best of all, all these "books" are
To Rev Francis O. Anosike Notifications may be sent to specific branded with the church logo, col-
groups of users such as Jesus Military ours, photos and contact infor-
Academy, Bible Study, Youth Group, mation. Church members are going
etc. Push notifications can also be to use their phones and tablets for
sent to all users. faith formation, they might as well
Back-End Editor do it under the umbrella of ROV
Easy and powerful back - end editor ministries Int’l.
which allows you to add, remove, Newspaper Bulletin
edit, and re-order app pages. Make A link to your most recent newspa-
A Real, Branded, and Customized App for the pages inactive until you need them per bulletin or to a website page
church. This will enable ROV to connect with again next year. Add sign up forms where your bulletins are archived.
congregants and supporters through the power and link to existing online resources. Calendar
of a native mobile app. Imagine church prayers, Embed website pages to simplify
A calendar system that’s used al-
sermons, music, faith resources, and all church your updating procedures. Back-end ready so that when the calendar is
news and information packaged into one little Editor is entirely web browser based,
updated, so also updating is the
button. which means you don't need any app.
Then, imagine this little button on the home special software. Update from any-
screens of the phones and tablets of church where and anytime. An embedded version of your web-
members. No need to enter a long domain Website Integrations / Reduced Up-
site news page to keep your app
name: Everything members need is consolidat- dates and website in sync.
ed into one beautiful app button. Finally, imag- Your key website pages can be em-
Tithes and offerings
ine the church sending a push notification to bedded inside the app so that you Collection of tithes right through
everyone who has the app such as emergency don't have to update the website
the app. Super easy and simple one
night vigils. Soon we will wonder how we sur- and the app regularly. The more mo- page form or connect the app to
vived without one. bile friendly your website, the better
your existing banking system. Either
When congregants download the app, they will this works.
way, the app makes it easy for
see the church name and images in the app GPS Directions / Contact
members to pay tithe to the church.
store. The App icon button on the phone, the A map page showing the exact loca-
Extensive Prayer Section, Service
name underneath the icon, and all app branding tion of the church. Users can push a
times, Daily devotion, Sunday ser-
will pertain to ROV. button to activate GPS directions.
mons, Morning Prayer, Daytime
Group Push Notifications They can also press a button to e- Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Pray-
Messages sent by the church directly to the mail or call the church.
er, entire Bible (KJV and other ver-
user’s phone or tablet. Push Notifications offer Faith Formation Resources sions). Pray as you Go Podcasts and
an unheard of means of communication. User Gives congregants and members a
register/contact forms.
remains anonymous so push notification offers whole bookshelf of prayers, re-