Page 3 - proposal_Classical flip
P. 3

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                                                              Also known as the Portable Mini Website (PMW)
          Most corporate files are in this format as they are easily
                                                              This file does not yet exist, it still needs to be developed and
          presented across different digital platforms. The ROV news-
                                                              presents itself as a PDF or PNG. It is a concept that we have
          paper publication will firstly be available in this format. Ad-
                                                              brainstormed over and are fairly confident that it can be easi-
          vertisements can also be done via PDF.
                                                              ly produced with the adequate resources. It has the potential
                                                              to revolutionise outreach as we know it.
                                                              For this feature our target is anyone and everyone who needs
                                                              to know and acquire all the necessary tools to know Christ as
                                                              well as to provide the resources the new convert will need

                                                              and guidance for their newly formed relationship with Jesus .
                                                              It is an equipping tool without the design barrier (web-design-
                                                              coding) as it cuts out the middle man of coding yet achieving

                                                              the same and better results as a website.

                                                              It has most of the relevant information you will need on a
                                                              website, also having links with faces which allow the user to
                                                              redirect to the relevant domains were they can access de-

                                                              tailed Christian files, websites, documents, audio and visual

          In essence this file is similar to the PDF, the difference being
                                                              It is different from websites in that it can be shared on various
          that it displays content on touch sensitive phones, screens
                                                              digital platforms just as a PDF. It is easier, less costly to create
          and tablets and allows the user to flip to the next page. It
                                                              and far much smaller in size as the file will be compressed.
          evades the traditional scroll of the PDF.
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