P. 26

Metal Pens •

                                   TPC731401                                    NIMROD
                                   NIMROD SOFT FEEL BALL PEN
                                   Made from recycled aluminium with a      RD DBL  BL  BK GN AM  PL

                                   ‘soft feel’ finish. Now available in tropical  TROPICAL LBL  TL LGN  PK  GR WH BU
                                   colour range (TPC731402). Ink Colour: Black.
                                   Size: 137 x 10mm dia. Engrave: 40 x 10mm
                                   250/£1.01  500/£0.96  1000/£0.89
                                   MOQ: 25pcs
                                     HAVE YOU SEEN
                                      MY BAMBOO
                                    VERSION ON PG 18

                             NIMROD RAINBOW

                  NIMROD           TPC580401                                   NEPTUNE
                  RAINBOW          NEPTUNE SOFT FEEL BALL PEN                            BK
                  The rainbow version of  A soft feel barrelled stylus pen with attractive metal  RD  BL  BK  GR GM

                  a much loved best seller!  fittings, a gun metal trim to complement the colour
                  This push action ball pen  range with a stylish all black option available for a super
                  has a modern design  sleek look. Engraves chrome. Ink Colour: Black.
                  with a useful stylus top.  Size: 142 x 10mm dia. Engrave: 50 x 7mm

                  Due to the finish  250/£1.19  500/£1.14  1000/£1.07
                  marking is engraving.  MOQ: 25pcs
                  Ink Colour: Black.
                  Size: 140 x 10mm dia.
                  Engrave 35 x 10mm
                  250/£1.29         NEW
                  MOQ: 25pcs
     TPC000315                         PASTEL SOFT FEEL                              NBL
     PASTEL SOFT FEEL BALL PEN                                                       BK
     Pastel Soft Feel Ball Pen with a recycled aluminium barrel  BL P  GN P  PK P  PL P  YL P  GR P  GR
     featuring a soft feel pastel finish. Recycled symbol engraved

     to the back of the pen. Due to the finish of the pen this                       WH

     model is engrave or digital print only. Ink Colour: Black.                          MYSTIC GRIP
     Size: 138 x 10mm dia. Full Colour Print: 50 x 7mm
     250/£1.35  500/£1.29  1000/£1.20
     MOQ: 25pcs

                                                                              MYSTIC GRIP
                                                                              BALL PEN
     TPC002025                          FIDGET SPINNER                        A modern metal push
     FIDGET SPINNER BALL PEN                                                  action ball pen with
     Recycled aluminium push action ball pen featuring  SPIN THE TOP!  BK  SV  large feature clip and a
     a 360 degree spinner on top to aid concentration and                     silicone grip designed
     reduce anxiety. This pen is not only practical but also                  to enhance comfort
     soothing for moments of stress. Ink Colour: Black.                       and control, providing
     Size: 148 x 11mm dia. Print: 30 x 20mm                                   a non-slip experience.
     250/£1.53  500/£1.47  1000/£1.39                                         The black trims offer

     MOQ: 25pcs                                                               a contemporary feel.
                                                                              Ink Colour: Black.
                                                                              Size: 139 x 10mm dia.
                                                                              Print: 65 x 7mm
      NEW                                                                     250/£1.53
                                                                     NEW      1000/£1.35
                                                                              MOQ: 25pcs
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