P. 29

Metal Pens •

                                      TPC580201                     BOSTON CLICK-SURE
                                      BOSTON CLICK-SURE BALL PEN
                            SV        Twist action pen with ultra-positive click  BL  CH WH SS DBL LGR
                                      action so you know the refill is locked in         BK  GD

                                      place! Available in all gold and black with
                                      gold trim (TPC580202). Ink Colour: Black.
                                      Size: 143 x 10mm dia. Print: 35 x 20mm
                                      250/£2.74  500/£2.59  1000/£2.46
                                      250/£2.97  500/£2.81  1000/£2.67 (LUX)
                                      MOQ: 25pcs
                               ASTON STYLUS

                     TPC620201        TPC000312                                     HARRIS
                     ASTON STYLUS     HARRIS STYLUS BALL PEN
                     BALL PEN         A metal twist action ball pen with soft touch      BK WH
                     A heavy twist action  stylus. The high shine metal trims add the
                     stylus pen that exudes  finishing touches to this useful, dual purpose pen.

                     quality with a stylus  Available in black or white. Ink Colour: Black.
                     end for your touch  Size: 145 x 10mm dia. Print: 40 x 7mm
                     screen devices.  250/£2.16  500/£2.03  1000/£1.91
                     Ink Colour: Black.  MOQ: 25pcs
                     Size: 139 x 11mm dia.
                     Print: 30 x 20mm
                     MOQ: 25pcs

        TPC921101                                     SULTAN                            BL
        LOWTON 3-IN-1 BALL PEN                                                          BK
        A multi-functional pen with a LED light at one                                  WH
        end and a soft stylus on the other. Ink Colour: Black                              SULTAN
        Size: 125 x 11mm dia. Print: 35 x 7mm         NEW
        250/£2.16  500/£2.03  1000/£1.91
        MOQ: 25pcs                 LOWTON 3-IN-1
        RD  BL  BK GN  PL WH SV  GR

                                                  PEN NAME                       SULTAN BALL PEN
                                                                                 A substantial twist action
               LOWTON HI-CHROME            LOWTON HI-CHROME BALL PEN             coated chrome for a
                                                                                 pen. The matt blue and
                                                                                 black versions are under-
                                                                                 mirror chrome marking
                                                                                 when engraved
                                                                                 (engraving is available
                                                                                 at an additional cost).
                                    Our best selling multi-function pen with a high end
                                    twist! In addition to the ball pen and LED torch, this
                                                                                 Size: 134 x 11mm dia.
                                   luxury all chrome version also features a stylish mesh  Ink Colour: Black.
                                                                                 Print: 50 x 20mm
                                 fabric stylus. Branding by engrave only. Ink Colour: Black  250/£2.67
                                          Size: 125 x 11mm dia. Engrave: 35 x 7mm  500/£2.52
                                            250/£3.10  500/£2.99  1000/£2.85     1000/£2.39
                                                        MOQ: 25pcs               MOQ: 25pcs
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