Page 10 - Order of Service - first draft.doc
P. 10

The Civil Declaration of Freedom

           Fr Jeff:    Are you, Thomas McDermott, free lawfully to marry Victoria Sweeney?
         Thomas:   I am.
           Fr Jeff:    Are you, Victoria Sweeney, free lawfully to marry Thomas McDermott?
         Victoria:   I am.

           Fr. Jeff:   Since it is your intention to enter covenant of Holy Matrimony,
                   join your right hands and declare your consent before God and his

                              (Victoria and Thomas join hands.)

          Thomas:   I, Thomas McDermott, take thee, Victoria Sweeney,
                   to be my wedded wife
                   to have and to hold from this day forward,
                   for better, for worse,
                   for richer, for poorer,
                   in sickness and in health,
                   to love and to cherish
                   till death do us part.

          Victoria:   I, Victoria Sweeney, take thee, Thomas McDermott,
                   to be my wedded husband
                   to have and to hold from this day forward,
                   for better, for worse,
                   for richer, for poorer,
                   in sickness and in health,
                   to love and to cherish
                   till death do us part.
                      The Reception of the Consent

           Fr. Jeff:   May the Lord in his kindness strengthen the consent
                   you have declared before the Church,
                   and graciously bring to fulfilment his blessing within you.

                   What God joins together, let no one put asunder.

           Fr Jeff:   Let us bless the Lord.
              All:   Thanks be to God.
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