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#8701  ANGER:  Taming A Powerful   Finding Your Best Self: Recovery From Addiction, Trauma, or Both.
             Emotion.  Gary Chapman. How can we
             handle our anger – and help those we   Lisa M. Najavits, Ph.D.
             love with theirs? How can we teach our   #10019 Addiction and trauma are two of the most common and difficult issues that people face. A
             children to deal with their anger? Relation-  leading expert explains the link between addiction and trauma and presents science-based self-help
             ship expert Dr. Gary Chapman offers help-  strategies that you can use no matter where you are in your recovery. Every chapter features inspiring
             ful insights on why we get angry, what we   words from people who have “been there,” plus carefully designed reflection questions, exercises, and
     can do about it, and how we can use anger for good. In-  other practical tools. 269 pages. $16.95. SPECIAL: 10 copies for $152.95.
     cludes a 13-session discussion guide. 240 pages. $16.99.
     SPECIAL: 10 copies for $152.95.

     Managing Anger and Rage:           C.A.G.E. the Rage
     The Niagara Falls Metaphor Video   #383 Calm down, Assess the situation, Gauge alternatives, and Empower yourself –
     Workbook Program                   that’s the way to safely C.A.G.E. the rage! Viewers see how to identify anger in them-
     William Fleeman                    selves; understand why mismanaged anger is so destructive; discover how anger gets
     #9165 Focuses on the critical link between an-  repressed; and release anger and express emotions in a positive way using the C.A.G.E.
     ger, substance abuse, and relapse. Treats anger   method. Includes scenarios of unhealthy and healthy behaviors and candid interviews.
     as another bad drug that triggers relapse. Ex-  23 minutes. $99.95 for DVD and Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!
     plains  the relapse process. Examines the Five
     Stages of the  anger/              Handling Anger and Frustration
     relapse process and                #8181 Examines extreme anger. Presents methods for loosening the grip that all-consum-
     Three  Steps  to  inter-           ing rage can have on one’s mind and actions. Viewers learn basic psychological concepts to
     rupt the anger/relapse             confront and remove obstacles, a primal instinct that all too easily translates into “lashing out.”
     process.  Includes  one            Highlights steps for dealing rationally with anger sources, focusing on staying “centered” rather
     43-minute  DVD and                 than “getting even.” 30 minutes. $109.95 for DVD; $99.95 for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!
     one master copy of a
     13-page  interactive
     journal/workbook.                  Hands Down: A Domestic Violence Treatment Program
     (reproducible). ©2015.             Sue Binder, LPC, LAC
     $139.00. SPECIAL: 5                #5682 Focuses on victim safety and offender accountability. Helps men understand why they
     copies for $649.00.                act violently. Eliminates violence from their lives by focusing on Definitions of Domestic Vio-
                                        lence, Domestic Violence Issues, Thinking Skills, Communication, Relationship Skills, and Man-
     #9808 ANGER: Myths and Truths      aging Anger and Stress. Program includes a 198-page workbook (Hands Down: A Domestic
     About the Emotion Explores  the    Violence Treatment Workbook – $39.00) and a 114-page instructor’s guide (Hands Down:
     psychology and sociology behind    An Instructor’s Manual for Domestic Violence Treatment – $95.00). $124.95. SPECIALS:
     the most dangerous of emotions.    10 copies of the workbook for $369.00; 100 copies of the workbook for $3,499.00.
     Dr. Robert Millman, a Weill Cornell
     Medical College professor who has
     coined the term “acquired situational narcissism” to ex-  Rage: A Social Analysis
     plain connections between volatile tempers and towering
     egos. Provides connections between narcissism, aggres-  #6197 Obscenities, screaming matches, fistfights, shootings – these have become almost standard
     sion, and America’s youth, while comedian, Lewis Black   forms of public expression. Why? Can society’s violent downward spiral be reversed? This bestselling
     points out the seeds of fury in everyday realities. Viewing   program explores the emotional causes and social dangers of short fuses, linking the pressures of a
     time: 30 minutes. Closed-captioned. $109.95 for DVD;   hard-driving, high-tech world to the prevalence of an easily threatened, easily angered point of view.
     $99.95 for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!  Breaking its analysis into three parts, the program examines road rage, workplace aggression, and vio-
                                        lence among sports spectators, with observations from police officers, anger management counselors,
     Anger, Rage, Trauma & Violence     athletes, and recovering “ragers.” Highlights nonviolent ways to assert needs and grievances. 48 minutes.
     Video Bundle: 23 Programs          © 2004. PURCHASE OPTIONS: DVD and/or 3-year Streaming for $169.95; DVD and 3-year Streaming for $305.95.
     #10077 This set of 23 video programs focuses
     on the causes, consequences, and treatments for   Manhood and Violence:     Changing Men: Unlearning the
     anger, rage, violence, and trauma in a variety of   Fatal Peril             Behaviors of Domestic Violence
     settings – home, school, streets, and public places.   #4044 Examines re-entry and the   #6895 Andrew, Adam, and Alex are members of a commu-
     Can purchase separately. SPECIALS: $3,389.00   issue of male violence as it relates   nity-based behavior change group in Australia called Heavy
     for all 23 titles in 3-year streaming video for-  to the male role belief system. Fo-  M.E.T.A.L.: Men’s Education Toward Anger and Life. This pro-
     mat; $3,579.00 for 23 DVDs. FREE SHIPPING/  cuses on nine men who have either   gram tracks the progress of these men - three husbands and
     HANDLING.  Visit   re-offended or violated the terms   fathers with dangerous antisocial behavioral issues - as they
     (search for #10077) to preview all 23 videos as   and conditions of their probation/  struggle to stop committing emotional and physical vio-
     well as browse accompanying Instructor’s Guides.   parole. The men have all been court-mandated to partici-  lence against those who love them the most. How did they
     Here’s a sample of titles in this bundle:  pate in an intensive four-month violence prevention project   become the way they are? And will their committed partic-
        z After the Outrage: Violence, Trauma & Recovery  where the re-arrest rate for violent offenses by the program’s   ipation in group therapy sessions enable them to salvage
        z Anger: Myths & Truths About the Emotion  participants dropped by 80 percent! 58 minutes. $159.95   their marriages? 47 minutes. $179.95 for DVD; $169.95
        z Beyond Anger & Violence: A Program for Women  for DVD; $149.95 for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!  for Streaming. FREE SHIPPING!
        z C.A.G.E. the Rage
        z Domestic Violence & Children
        z Handling Anger & Frustration  Pulling Punches: A Curriculum for Rage Management
        z Manage Overload & Relieve Stress  #3039 Designed for recovering addicts and alcoholics with volatile anger, rage, and relapse
        z Manhood & Violence: Fatal Peril  issues, this highly acclaimed three-part DVD series addresses the whole anger process:
        z The Perfect Victim                z Understanding Your Rage                          Tools for Managing Rage
        z Preventing School Violence        z Anger Reduction and Long-Term Changes
        z Real Life Teens: Teen Anger   Shows how to better manage anger as well as make long-term behavioral changes. Includes crucial
        z Road Rage: Havoc on the Highway  skills for avoiding relapse. Each DVD runs 35 minutes and includes a Counselor’s Guide with reproducible
        z The Science of Rage: Lewis Black  worksheets. Ethnically diverse, includes real people, and is narrated by a recovering person. Complete
        z Soothing the Savage Beast: Venting Rage  program for $529.00. SPECIALS: 5 programs for $2,435.00; 10 programs for $4,695.00. FREE SHIPPING!
        z Stemming Violence & Abuse
         IMPACT PUBLICATIONS         orders 800.361.1055    fax 703.335.9486    online ordering   5/2024
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